
There are 4 repositories under low-level-io topic.

  • chrisioan/URL-Finder

    URL Finder in C++ and Shell using fork/exec, pipes and named pipes, low-level I/O as well as signal handling.

  • Sitaras/System-Programming

    Data Structures, Bash Script, Processes creation using system calls (fork/exec), Process communication via pipes, Use of low level I/O, Thread creation, Network Programming using sockets.

  • super-m-a-n/Distributed-ipc-system-for-travel-and-vaccination-data-hanling

    Inter processing communication system that utilizes named pipes, low-level I/O, system calls and unix signals to handle various user requests

  • giannisdravilas/URLs-Manager

    👨‍💻 C++ low-level program monitoring changes in the files of a directory and processing the URLs of each file by forking new processes. A bash script sums up the results.
