
There are 10 repositories under low-light-vision topic.

  • bupt-ai-cz/LLVIP

    LLVIP: A Visible-infrared Paired Dataset for Low-light Vision

    Language:Jupyter Notebook601233864
  • caiyuanhao1998/Retinexformer

    "Retinexformer: One-stage Retinex-based Transformer for Low-light Image Enhancement" (ICCV 2023) & (NTIRE 2024 Challenge)

  • Lvfeifan/MBLLEN

    Code for “MBLLEN: Low-light Image/Video Enhancement Using CNNs”, BMVC 2018.

  • cuiziteng/ICCV_MAET

    [ICCV 2021] Multitask AET with Orthogonal Tangent Regularity for Dark Object Detection. A self-supervised learning way for low-light image object detection.

  • cuiziteng/Aleth-NeRF

    [AAAI 2024] Aleth-NeRF: Illumination Adaptive NeRF with Concealing Field Assumption (Low-light enhance / Exposure correction + NeRF)

  • yu-li/AGLLNet

    Attention Guided Low-light Image Enhancement with a Large Scale Low-light Simulation Dataset, IJCV 2021.

  • albrateanu/LYT-Net

    LYT-Net: Lightweight YUV Transformer-based Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement

  • ntnu-arl/underwater-datasets

    Underwater Dataset for Visual-Inertial Methods and data with transitioning between multiple refractive media.

  • Capsar/DL-GenISP

    GenISP: Neural ISP for Low-Light Machine Cognition

  • talhatallat/Low-Light-Image-Enhancement

    Images captured in outdoor scenes can be highly degraded due to poor lighting conditions. These images can have low dynamic ranges with high noise levels that affect the overall performance of computer vision algorithms. To make computer vision algorithms robust in low-light conditions, use low-light image enhancement to improve the visibility of an image. The histogram of pixel-wise inversion of low-light images or HDR images is very similar to the histogram of hazy images. Thus, you can use haze removal techniques to enhance low-light images.
