
There are 30 repositories under lung-disease topic.

  • JoHof/lungmask

    Automated lung segmentation in CT

  • frankkramer-lab/covid19.MIScnn

    Robust Chest CT Image Segmentation of COVID-19 Lung Infection based on limited data

  • Slicer/SlicerLungCTAnalyzer

    This is a 3D Slicer extension for segmentation and spatial reconstruction of infiltrated, collapsed, and emphysematous areas in lung CT.

  • AE-CNN


    ICVGIP' 18 Oral Paper - Classification of thoracic diseases on ChestX-Ray14 dataset

  • anindox8/Deep-Segmentation-Features-for-Weakly-Supervised-3D-Disease-Classification-in-Chest-CT

    Weakly supervised 3D classification of multi-disease chest CT scans using multi-resolution deep segmentation features via dual-stage CNN architecture (DenseVNet, 3D Residual U-Net).

  • fitushar/WeaklySupervised-3D-Classification-of-Chest-CT-using-Aggregated-MultiResolution-Segmentation-Feature

    This Repo contains the updated implementation of our paper "Weakly supervised 3D classification of chest CT using aggregated multi-resolution deep segmentation features", Proc. SPIE 11314, Medical Imaging 2020: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 1131408 (16 March 2020)

  • ashkanpakzad/AirQuant

    AirQuant is a framework based in MATLAB primarily for extracting airway measurements from fully segmented airways of a chest CT.

  • Fibro-CoSANet


    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a restrictive interstitial lung disease that causes lung function decline by lung tissue scarring. Although lung function decline is assessed by the forced vital capacity (FVC), determining the accurate progression of IPF remains a challenge. To address this challenge, we proposed Fibro-CoSANet, a novel end-to-end multi-modal learning-based approach, to predict the FVC decline. Fibro-CoSANet utilized CT images and demographic information in convolutional neural network frameworks with a stacked attention layer. Extensive experiments on the OSIC Pulmonary Fibrosis Progression Dataset demonstrated the superiority of our proposed Fibro-CoSANet by achieving the new state-of-the-art modified Laplace Log-Likelihood score of -6.68. This network may benefit research areas concerned with designing networks to improve the prognostic accuracy of IPF.

  • mo26-web/Chest-X-Ray-Image_Segmentation_ResUNet

    Lung segmentation for chest X-Ray images with ResUNet and UNet. In addition, feature extraction and tuberculosis cases diagnosis had developed.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook17101
  • PulmonaryMRI/MoCoLoR

    Motion-compensated low-rank reconstruction for simultaneous structural and functional UTE lung MRI doi: 10.1002/mrm.29703

  • ashkanpakzad/ATN

    Labelless automated airway measurement using style transfer to generate synthetic data.

  • Kareem-Mohamed-Wardany/Live-Healthy

    A system to provide Health care for patients, Doctors and Radiologists

  • Jigisha-p/Detection-of-Lung-Infection

    The objective of this project is to develop a model utilizing a convolutional neural network (CNN) for the classification of lung infections in individuals based on medical imagery.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • AliNikoo73/Automated-Medical-Image-Classification

    This repository contains code and resources for a deep learning project that performs automated medical image classification. The goal is to classify radiology images, such as chest X-rays, to detect conditions like pneumonia, lung cancer, and fibrosis using convolution neural networks (CNNs).

  • PulmonomicsLab/mdpd

    MDPD - Microbiome Database of Pulmonary Diseases

  • andrea3425/Leveraging-Lightweight-Design-and-Attention-for-Lung-Disease-Predictions-from-CXR-Images

    This project is the final work for the Human Data Analytics course at the University of Padova. It focuses on the design of lightweight CNN enhanced with channel attention mechanism for lung disease classification from chest x-ray images.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • GreatGameDota/OSIC-Pulmonary-Fibrosis-Prediction

    My 34th place solution to the OSIC Pulmonary Fibrosis Progression Competition hosted on Kaggle 🔬

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  • kanishksh4rma/Coronavirus_Detection_using_Chest_X_ray

    The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow). Deep learning can be used to detect COVID-19 in a patient as recent studies has shown that people suffering from covid19 has infectiuos lung diseases. So in this project I am using deep learning to detect CoronaVirus using chest X-ray.

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  • mastermind2001/Pneumonia-Classification

    Deep learning Project on Pneumonia Classification

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • mohammad95labbaf/Lung-Segmentation

    The preparation for the Lung X-Ray Mask Segmentation project included the use of augmentation methods like flipping to improve the dataset, along with measures to ensure data uniformity and quality. The model architecture was explored with two types of ResNets: the traditional CNN layers and Depthwise Separable.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • nivation/Chexnet

    Image classification: binary classification of Lung X-ray grayscale images using ChexNet

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • visibilia/IA-for-fully-automatic-COVID-19-detection

    FADCIL is a cutting-edge deep learning framework based on YOLO and 3D U-Net, designed for the automatic detection of COVID-19 from chest CT scans. This repository provides the source code for FADCIL, which identifies and quantifies lung lesions caused by COVID-19 with high precision, differentiating them from other pulmonary diseases.

  • VNOpenAI/ai-doctor

    The website of VN AIDr project

  • aashnajoshi/Respiratory_Sound_Dataset

    Respiratory Sound Dataset is a refined collection of respiratory sound recordings sourced from Kaggle, designed for machine learning applications focused on detecting lung conditions such as wheezes and crackles. The dataset includes high-quality audio files, annotations, and metadata, making it suitable for research in respiratory health.

  • fitushar/Lung-Disease-Classification-with-2D-Multi-channel-Effect-Analysis

    Lung diseases classification in 2D using chest CT cases and Analysis the multi-channel effect on classification. This work is been done during summer internship July-Aguest 2018, Duke University Medical Center.

  • rafi-fauzan/Pleural_Effusion_Classifier_Model_Keras_TF

    This repo contains the source code of my undergraduate thesis project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • rafi-fauzan/Pleural_Effusion_Classifier_Model_PyTorch

    Pleural Effusion Classifier Model PyTorch

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10