
There are 114 repositories under luxon topic.

  • dmtrKovalenko/date-io

    Abstraction over common javascript date management libraries

  • avocadowastaken/babel-plugin-direct-import

    Babel plugin to cherry-pick ES module imports.

  • mark-tate/use-date-input

    A React library (including useDateInput/useDateRange hooks) to help compose a Date Picker/Calendar around your components

  • amaidah/luxon-business-days

    A Luxon plugin for calculating and manipulating business days and holidays.

  • era


  • chartjs/chartjs-adapter-luxon

    Luxon adapter for Chart.js

  • divinecharlotte/Awesome-books-with-ES6

    This is a project to make a simple website that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list. The goal is to make it more organized by using modules and practice the ES6 syntax. Built with JavaScript

  • willrax/ember-luxon

    🕐 🌐 [deprecated] Addon thats brings Luxon to Ember applications.

  • Kevin-Mena/AwesomeBooks-ES6

    Awesome books app is a simple book app which keep track of the list of books added to a bookstore.It has a feature where a user can add and remove a book from a book store list.

  • Basir-Mohammadi/Awsome-books-ES6

    Microverse Module 02 Project: This is an educational project to make a simple website that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list. The goal is to make it more organized by using modules and practice the ES6 syntax.

  • J2ZROMERO/Awesome-Books-ES6

    Create books, save your data in the local storage, and contact us.

  • OybekKayumov/microverse-m2-awbook-es6

    In this project, we restructured Awesome books app code. The goal is to make it more organized by using modules. We also practiced the ES6 syntax that we have learned.

  • tonysamperi/ts-luxon

    Typescript based Luxon: ⏱ A library for working with dates and times in TS and JS (immutable)

  • Alondra87/Awesome-book-ES6

    In this project, I will restructure Awesome books app code. The goal is to make it more organized by using modules.

  • Miliyonayalew/Awesome-Book-Es6

    "Awesome books" is a simple website that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list

  • ahmetbozaci/awesome-books

    One page library website. User can add book with title and author and remove them. Built with vanilla JS, HTMl and CSS

  • brainconnect93/Awesome-Book1

    This project is an online library application that enables users to keep track of books in their library by adding to and removing books from a list. Built with JavaScript ES6 syntax, HTML, and CSS

  • heapoverride/luxon-framework

    Luxon is powerful and minimal framework and provides a solid foundation for your next website.

  • mwismann/awesome-books-with-es6

    Awesome Books is a basic application where users can create a simple library by freely adding and removing books. Built with JavaScript.

  • inspecta/todo-list-webpack

    An application to track down your todo tasks. Create a list of the tasks you have to do, edit any task description you wish to, finish a task and mark it as complete or clear all the tasks that have been completed. Tasks are stored in the local storage.

  • kbwo/react-native-booking-calendar

    calendar UI component with luxonjs for booking app.

  • stephnna/awesome-books-es6

    This project is a Low-fidelity wireframes for adding/removing items built with javascript, and luxon

  • Angular2Guy/ngx-simple-charts

    Angular 18+ library for D3 based line, bar, donut and date/timeline charts with multiple entry points. A configurable service for token handling is provided.

  • ernestkorir/awesome-book-ES6

    Library of books which allow users to add both the name of the book and the author. The user has the permission to add or remove a book.It stores the data in the local storage

  • Sonikak004/ES6-Awesome_Books

    Manage your book collection effortlessly with the Awesome Books app. Add, delete, and explore books with author names and titles in this JavaScript-powered SPA.

  • Gardimy/Todo-List

    In this project, I add some functionality to my application to make it interactive. The user will also be able to mark task completion by selecting the corresponding checkbox (or undo it by unchecking the checkbox). The updated tasks list will be stored in local storage.

  • karam084/awesome-books-es6

    This is web app that allows users to enter information about their favorite books. Data displayed on the UI depends on the local storage. The data entered by the user are stored in local storage and can be removed from localStorage. This is a crud application and it is build with JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

  • Timbar09/Awesome-books-vol-2

    This is a dynamic single page web app that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list. It was built with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

  • VaneCode/awesome-books-ES6

    This is a web page, with an SPA approach, that shows a list of books, and allows to add and delete books. It was created with plain JS, using ES6 syntax and the Luxon library to show the current date.

  • zeepk/Wildlife

    Tracking site for Animal Crossing: New Horizons

  • 500Foods/TMS-WEB-Core-GithubApiExample

    Example of using the GitHub API in a TMS WEB Core web app.

  • aasaam/js-i18n-helper

    Modern Browser/Node.js JavaScript Internationalization library

  • Chernavskikh/react-full-calendar

    react full calendar component

  • Pamphilemkp/Awesome-book-App

    In this project i built the Awesome books using javascript modules( for import and export) which will run using a server and also importing the date using Luxon

  • Theophileaseh/Awesome-Books-ES6

    Awesome Books is a web application built using html, css, javaScript, luxon and npm, used to store and display a list of books from various authors.

  • masoumehmohebbi/react-weather-app

    Weather App based on OpenWeatherMap-API ☁️🌈☁️
