
There are 8 repositories under machine-learning-analysis topic.

  • immuneML


    immuneML is a platform for machine learning analysis of adaptive immune receptor repertoire data.

  • NewGround-LLC/psistats

    Applying Deep Machine Learning for psycho-demographic profiling of Internet users using O.C.E.A.N. model of personality.

  • deep_classiflie


    Deep Classiflie is a framework for developing ML models that bolster fact-checking efficiency. As a POC, the initial alpha release of Deep Classiflie generates/analyzes a model that continuously classifies a single individual's statements (Donald Trump) using a single ground truth labeling source (The Washington Post). For statements the model deems most likely to be labeled falsehoods, the @DeepClassiflie twitter bot tweets out a statement analysis and model interpretation "report"

  • justincpresley/softsec

    An archive repository that holds all projects formed in the masters-level Software and Systems Security course (CSC-5585) at TTU.

  • Romain-Laine/MiLeSIM

    This code performs the particle detection, classification (Machine Learning analysis) and structural analysis of virus imaging dataset as described in our manuscript.

  • deep_classiflie_db


    Deep_classiflie_db is the backend data system for managing Deep Classiflie metadata, analyzing Deep Classiflie intermediate datasets and orchestrating Deep Classiflie model training pipelines. Deep_classiflie_db includes data scraping modules for the initial model data sources. Deep Classiflie depends upon deep_classiflie_db for much of its analytical and dataset generation functionality but the data system is currently maintained as a separate repository here to maximize architectural flexibility. Depending on how Deep Classiflie evolves (e.g. as it supports distributed data stores etc.), it may make more sense to integrate deep_classiflie_db back into deep_classiflie. Currently, deep_classiflie_db releases are synchronized to deep_classiflie releases. To learn more, visit

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12560
  • jacksoncook/mlAnalysis

    Analytical papers written for my machine learning course.
