
There are 404 repositories under magento1 topic.

  • OpenMage/magento-lts

    Official OpenMage LTS codebase | Migrate easily from Magento Community Edition in minutes! Download the source code for free or contribute to OpenMage LTS | Security vulnerability patches, bug fixes, performance improvements and more.

  • nexcess/magento-turpentine

    A Varnish extension for Magento.

  • wardenenv/warden

    Warden is a CLI utility for orchestrating Docker based developer environments

  • 5mehulhelp5/MagentoExtensions

    Magento Extension Directory 1> Themes Switcher 2> Default Shipping On Cart 3> Upshare 4> Product Image Optimizer 5> Idealo Product Export 6> magento Google shopping Api v2 7>Google feed and facebook feed 8> Pdf upload in magento media wysiwyg 9> Product Image optimizer. If You want magento 2 extensions 1>Advance Layred Navigation(including SEO URL, Rating as filter, slider filter, Ajax Filtering), 2>Attribute Pages with SEO and Custom URL key(you can do all kind of seo on those pages with logos) 3>Improved Sorting (Enable users to view products by options as 'Best Sellers', 'Top Rated', 'Most Viewed' etc.) 4>Custom Stock Status(Add statuses to products automatically or manually, Create multiple custom stock statuses, Upload special icons for stock statuses) 5>Product Labels(Using this extension you can add any label to your produts on product page or category page) 6>Custom Order Number(Using this extension you can customize order, invoice, shippment, credit memo Number) 7>All type of file upload in Wysiwyg(pdf, zip, doc etc file upload in wysiwyg), 8>Infinite Scroll, 9>Multiple FlatRate Shipping, 10>Open Api,Google api for currency Rates, 11>Product Attribute's Description, 12>Store and Currency switcher according to Ip address Please Contact me and All those extensions are paid with installation and configuration are free support.

  • reward


    Reward is a Swiss Army knife CLI utility for orchestrating Docker based development environments.

  • PagSeguro-Magento-Transparente


    Módulo de checkout transparente para Pagseguro - com api v. 2.0

  • agnostack/magento_extension

    Zendesk's Magento 1 extension

  • diglin/Diglin_UIOptimization

    Magento module to optimize Javascript and CSS files and improve speed of your website

  • magemojo/magesecuritypatcher

    Magento 1 Security Patcher from MageMojo

  • biotech/Magento-URL-Rewrite

    Fix duplicated and trash rewrites in default Magento CE URL rewrite system (core_url_rewrite table)

  • PHOENIX-MEDIA/Magento-CashOnDelivery

    Cash on Delivery allows to book additional fee on delivery depending on inland or international delivery.

  • customgento/CustomGento_ConfigurableTierPrices

    Tier Prices For Configurable Products for Magento 1 changes the way Magento calculates tier prices of configurable products.

  • PHOENIX-MEDIA/Magento-BankPayment

    Bank prepayment module which notifies the buyer to which bank account he has to transfer the money.

  • akai-z/magento1-open-source-patches

    Magento Open Source 1.x patches mirror repository.

  • flurrybox/enhanced-privacy-m1

    Magento 1 Enhanced Privacy extension for easier compliance with GDPR. Allows customers to delete, anonymize, or export their personal data.

  • diglin/Diglin_Username

    Magento 1.x Username Module to support username in the customer account

  • technodelight/magento_custom_reports_example

    An example module about the basic of how to create a custom report in Magento

  • mzeis/Mzeis_ServerTiming

    Sends profiling information as a Server Timing HTTP header to the browser

  • mpchadwick/Mpchadwick_PageCacheHitRate

    Monitor your Magento site's Page Cache Hit Rate

  • fballiano/openmage-image-cleaner

    Image cleaner for Magento 1 and OpenMage. Cleans orphans category, product and wysiwyg images.

  • nickrigby/Magento-Stripe-Payments

    Accept Stripe payments in Magento 1

  • tiagosampaio/apiplus-magento

    Make your Magento API integration easier for third parties with this module.

  • diglin/Diglin_GoogleAnalytics

    Google Analytics for Magento 1 supporting both Universal Analytics and the classic, add improvements regarding ecommerce and remarketing tags

  • fballiano/awesome-openmage

    Curated list of awesome OpenMage extensions, resources and other highlights

  • elgentos/GoogleTagManager

    Inserts Google Tag Manager script in header.

  • diglin/Diglin_Chat

    Magento Module to use the service Zopim Chat

  • biotech/Magento1.9-CatalogPriceRulesFix

    Catalog price rules core bug in Magento CE 1.9.1 and EE (Array to string conversion error and incorrect price rules behavior)

  • DegrizNet/OpenMageTheme

    Fast responsive theme for Magento 1.9 / OpenMage

  • diglin/Diglin_LanguageCsv

    Translate your Magento module easily thanks to this module which helps to extract strings from PHP & XML files

  • tobidsn/orderstatusandshippingtracking

    Magento Order Status & Shipping Tracking Extension

  • customgento/CustomGento_CoreFixes-m1

    Core Fixes for Magento 1 provides several fixes for common bugs in Magento 1.

  • customgento/CustomGento_ProductBadges

    Product Badges for Magento 1 offers you the possibility to add highly customizable badges to your product images without having any performance impact.

  • diglin/Diglin_Crawler

    Magento 1.x Module - Crawler to warmup cache of your products, cms and categories pages

  • lowercaserace/magento-encoded-modules-list

    The purpose of this repository is to maintain a list of Magento 1 / Magento 2 vendors who use encoding to obscure code; making life difficult for clients and developers. This list will serve as a WARNING to clients and Magento developers to either stay away from these vendors or use them at their own risk as the underlying code used in their modules is not readable.

  • mozgbrasil/heroku-magento

    Heroku Magento App

  • rutgerkirkels/ShopConnectors

    Retrieve orders from various webshops
