
There are 5 repositories under magicmethods topic.

  • Lns-XueFeng/MagicMethod

    master common python magic methods through code

  • MariaSimon-AI/binomial_package

    This is a python package for mathematical operations of binomial distributions. From this project I learned how to code and install basic python packages. I got to use magic methods, import statements, classes and inheritance in more depth.

  • miraytopal/BankingSystem-Python-OOP

    Python OOP

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0111
  • MahonriM/Basic-operations

    This app calculates the basic operations such as add, division, subtraction, multiplication with magic methods made with python3 and kivy

  • MahonriM/BasicOperations

    This program use some magic methods from python like .__add__, .__floordiv__ made with python3 and tkinter also include the functtion .format
