
There are 8 repositories under majorana topic.

  • basnijholt/thesis

    🎓 Ph.D. thesis: Towards realistic numerical simulations of Majorana devices

  • basnijholt/spin-orbit-nanowires

    📜 Code for Spin-Orbit Protection of Induced Superconductivity in Majorana Nanowires (10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.187702)

  • basnijholt/majorana-nanowire-conductance

    Simulate a 1D nanowire and plot the conductance and band structure

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4302
  • andywiecko/Majoranapp

    Codes for Majorana zero modes identification in non-interacting systems

  • GuiJanone/majorana

    Repo created to post codes developed during my monograph as a requirement to bachelor degree in Physics

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3101
  • tbcole/majoranaJJ

    Python package for constructing and diagonalizing BdG Hamiltonians with various superconductor geometries, including modulated interface Josephson junctions, and finding Majorana modes and topological phases with efficient root finding algorithms.

  • cifu9502/nrgcode

    NRG code

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2102
  • ajsteinmetz/fritzsch-manuscript

    Contribution to the Harald Fritzsch Memorial Volume edited by Gerhard Buchalla, Dieter Lüst and Zhi-Zhong Xing.
