
There are 95 repositories under mamp topic.

  • xpf0000/FlyEnv

    Powerful Web Server and Environment Manager. Support macOS / Windows / Linux

  • xianyunleo/EServer

    Windows Mac平台下的一款集成Nginx、PHP、MySQL、Redis等服务的GUI集成环境

  • johansatge/pawnee

    🪶 An Apache GUI for OSX.

  • jongrover/building-a-wordpress-theme-from-scratch

    Finished example wordpress app featuring a custom built theme with step by step instructions

  • labnize/react-router-mobx-antd-webpack-gulp

    基于React、React router、Mobx、Antd搭建的管理后台Demo

  • PriyankaParimi/Arpa-Grocery-Store-An-online-Website

    A web based project using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, JQuery, AJAX and MAMP

  • Lei-IT/GMAMP

    Generalized approximate message passing (GAMP) and generalized vector AMP (GVAMP) are Bayes-optimal algorithms widely used for unknown signal reconstruction of generalized linear models (GLM). However, they both have their own limitations, i.e., either requirements for independent and identically distributed (IID) transformation matrices or high-complexity matrix inverse. In this article, we provide a universal generalized memory AMP (GMAMP) framework including the existing orthogonal AMP/VAMP, GVAMP, and MAMP as instances. It gives new directions to address GLM and performs well in ill-conditional systems with low complexity. The proposed Bayes-optimal GMAMP is an example that overcomes the IID-matrix limitation of GAMP and avoids the high-complexity matrix inverse in GVAMP. Our proposed framework paves the way for compressed sensing, imaging, signal processing, communications, deep learning, and other fields.

  • iamtusharbhatia/Online-Course-Registration-System

    This project aimed at creating an Online Course Registration System which could be used in a University system

  • tsarouxas/wordget

    Downloads all Wordpress website files and database and imports them into your local development enviroment. Full support for importing a WP website into LocalWP host.

  • frankdarnese/wordpress-site-migration

    📚 Step to step guide on how to migrate a WordPress website

  • Raruto/wordpress-git

    A simple skeleton repo for managing a WordPress site using: wp-cli, git, composer

  • infocyph/LocalDock

    Local development environment for PHP based projects using Docker

  • Tomas2D/Compile-Interbase-PHP-MAC-OS-X-10-12

    Short tutorial on how to compile Interbase/Firebird extension under MAC OS for PHP 5, PHP 7

  • ahberg/uploads-by-proxy

    For WordPress local development: Automatically load images from the production version of wp-content/uploads if they are missing locally.

  • lifeparticle/Cosmic-Mac

    Bash automation script to get google chrome, java, android studio, sublime text, Dash, MAMP, Dropbox, Docker and apply configurations on your Mac.

  • tech-otaku/mamp-mysql

    Update selected Bash scripts shipped with MAMP to reflect a new MySQL root user password.

  • alfred-mamp-workflow


    🐘 Workflow for controlling MAMP Pro from Alfred

  • skipperbent/XAMPP-Website-Manager

    XAMPP Website Manager Windows application (aka. XWM) is a Windows desktop application that automaticially configures XAMPP configuration for both Apache, MySQL and more.

  • axelv71/Vulcain

    Project manager for WAMP, MAMP, LAMP, Laragon and others

  • JayHoltslander/Create-new-MAMP-site

    A bash shell script to easily create new Wordpress sites within MAMP

  • kingozorg/PHP-Scripting-iFramer

    Easy way to build a demo app from php code snippets and scripts.

  • Svaveop/PHP

    Hello PHP, nice to meet you

  • vigviswa/PHP-MySQL

    Extracting data from a MySQL database using PHP/AJAX

  • adhuham/spicy-localhost

    Spice up localhost index page with a beautiful terminal-like UI

  • diyasanghvii/AgroVisor-Flask-and-MySql

    An e-commerce web application to provide a platform for farmers to buy and sell produce/products using Flask, HTML, CSS, and MySQL.

  • edwinfr/phpcrud

    Aplicacion CRUD(create,read,update,delete) php mysql exportable a bases de datos mysql,sql server,oracle,postgreesql

  • eugeniekamgue/PostgreSQL_PostGIS

    SQL Codes/Scripts, Spatial Database Creation / Implementation and Management, Tuples, PostgreSQL / PostGIS Scripts

  • fglsn/camagru

    Full-stack web application written in PHP on the back-end and Html, Css, Vanilla JavaScript and Fetch on the front-end. Based on MariaDB. Simple photo-gallery application allowing user to upload photos or take a webcam shot, apply stickers on pictures, leave comments and likes, handle basic profile settings etc.

  • hackzbhavin/E-Commerce-Website

    PHP-MYSQL-HTML - Bootstrap. Worked from scratch from designing frontend web page to backend database

  • Harry-Yates/frontend-developer-blog

    Personal Blog Project

  • iqwrwq/awave

    A lightweight organization tool for your htdocs folder, compatible with your favorite local Webserver

  • Natouillelevrai/Project.PHP

    Une interface pour accéder a vos projets en PHP

  • Panda279TV/BoostYourLife-App

    Boost Your Life is an NLP APP that is no longer being processed. I had the task from my university to create an app. Actually I wanted to develop it further and publish it, because I got quite far. Unfortunately it never came to this.

  • Panda279TV/PCHERO-Website

    PCHERO is a fictional website that is no longer operated. My university gave me the task to design a PHP website. I wanted to create a website where you can put together your own PC and buy it.

  • RaigZ/blog

    A simple blog web app made with Bootstrap and preserves user sessions, contains users, posts and comments
