
There are 10 repositories under mann-kendall topic.

  • IvanildoBatista/Series-Temporais

    Projetos de modelagem e previsão de séries temporal em linguagem Python e linguagem R. Usarei vários modelos de bibliotecas e pacotes usados para tratamento, modelagem e previsão de séries temporais. Falarei um pouco sobre cada uma delas, gerarei a validação e as previsões e, por fim, realizarei a avaliação com a métricas pertinentes.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook703236
  • super-lou/EXstat

    🌾 R package to provide an efficient and simple solution to aggregate and analyze the stationarity of time series

  • super-lou/AEAG_toolbox

    🛠️ R toolbox to provide a simple way of interacting with all the code necessary to carry out hydrological stationnarity analysis for the Agence de l'Eau Adour-Garonne (AEAG)

  • gabrielclimb/mann_kendall_automated

    A online solution to mann kendall test

  • guzmanlopez/SST-MannKendallTrendAnalysis

    Perform a Mann-Kendall Trend Analysis on Sea Surface Temperature (SST) time series data

  • MilosT82/PyProgramForMinimalAndAnnualTrendFlowEstimation

    This is Python program for minimal and annual trend flow estimation in Serbia

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • mmhs013/MannKendall.jl

    A Julia package for non-parametric Mann Kendall family of trend tests.

  • alaclim


    Streamlit visualisation and analysis of Almaty (Kazakhstan) winter climate based on 100 years observations of Air Temperature.

  • SmoothTrend


    SmoothTrend is a comprehensive time series analysis tool that utilizes Holt-Winters, Holt, and Simple Exponential Smoothing methods, as well as ARIMA/SARIMA modeling, to perform advanced trend analysis, stationarity testing, residual analysis, and forecasting.

  • p3atmack/circumpolar-peatland-runoff-trends

    Data and code used for the paper titled, "Heterogenous runoff trends in peatland-dominated basins throughout the circumpolar North."