
There are 6 repositories under market-segmentation-analysis topic.

  • VivekAgrawl/electric-vehicle-market-segmentation

    The Electric Vehicle market in India was analyzed using segmentation analysis, and a feasible strategy was developed to enter the market, targeting the segments most likely to use electric vehicles.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • Nisarg221B/Electric_Vehicle_Market_Segmentation

    Contains the Market Segmentation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1104
  • prashver/dashboard-gallery

    These dashboards provide insights across diverse domains, including cryptocurrency sales, workforce challenges, disease impact analysis, and retail trends. Leveraging tools like Power BI and Excel, they offer actionable insights for decision-making.

  • Honey28Git/Data-Mining

    Data Mining Techniques used in different Datasets. Market Segmentation using Clustering Analysis Further, using Random Forest Model, CART and Artificial Neural Network to make predictions on data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • lokesh97jain/Crime-Analysis-and-Market-Segmentation-Using-Hierarchical-Clustering

    Analyzing US crime statistics using hierarchical clustering to uncover patterns in state-level arrest data and Advanced analytics to delineate market segments in retail, optimizing targeted marketing strategies through customer behavior and demographic profiling.

  • davinci2006/Food-Hub-Market-Analysis

    A food aggregator company has stored the data of the different orders made by the registered customers in their online portal. They want to analyze the data to get a fair idea about the demand of different restaurants which will help them in enhancing their customer experience

    Language:Jupyter Notebook