
There are 7 repositories under markovian-epidemic-processes topic.

  • akshaykhadse/reinforcement-learning

    Implementations of basic concepts dealt under the Reinforcement Learning umbrella. This project is collection of assignments in CS747: Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents (Autumn 2017) at IIT Bombay

  • wcota/dynSIS-networkx

    Networkx implementation of the SIS epidemic model for large and heterogeneous networks

  • wcota/dynSIS

    Implementation of SIS epidemic model for large and heterogeneous networks using Fortran.

  • danielhanchen/Markovian_SIR_Deaths_Model

    I noticed that traditional methods to predict a disease outbreak was by performing sentiment analysis on Twitter posts and Google Search terms. Unfortunately, these methods were inadequate, as Twitter and Google is not popular in all countries. So, I created a system to model and predict outbreaks without the need for social media. The system was able to update the probabilities of a virus from spreading from A to B in real time, and I plan to release it to the public next year. I also used Machine Learning and Deep Learning to predict larger long-term virus trends with Google Trends, and this acted as a validator for the MSIRD model.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3302
  • wcota/dynSIS-py

    Implementation of SIS epidemic model for large and heterogeneous networks

  • Ethan-CS/Equations

    Program to find number of differential equations needed to express an SIR(P) network exactly.

  • wcota/dynSIS-GA

    Implementation of SIS epidemic model with a Gillespie Algorithm - NOT optimized
