
There are 9 repositories under mathematical-operations topic.

  • arunp77/mathlib-package

    Python package for mathematical operation (

  • Ayoub-etoullali/Complex-Number

    Program To Perform Mathematical Operations On Complex Numbers, With Advanced Functions. Useful In Physics, Electronics..

  • EmrahFidan/Data_Manipulation

    I did data analysis and data visualization projects by servicing R language.

  • jorgeabrahan/calculator

    Have you ever felt the need to perform a quick calculation in your browser without opening any external app? Try this calculator web app that offers a nice user experience and interface directly in your browser. It is responsive and it was built in with vanilla JavaScript to help you with basic mathematical operations.

  • nisrinaishmh/Build-an-Image-Style-Transfer-Tool-using-CycleGANs

    We will visualize the style transfer output produced by monet_generator_model. We take 5 sample images that are photos of beautiful landscapes in the original dataset and feed them to the model.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • satyam354/calculator-

    Creating a calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a common web development project. This involves designing a user interface using HTML and CSS, and then implementing the calculator's functionality using JavaScript.

  • AbubakarYasir/simple-calculator

    This code uses React, ReactDOM, and Bootstrap to render a calculator interface. Users input two numbers via a form, which updates the calculated value using state.

  • Ashwani2529/GPS-Calculator

    The GPS-Calculator (Graphing, Polynomial, Scientific) is a React project that encompasses three components: a Graphing, Polynomial Roots, and Scientific Calculator. It provides users with a versatile toolset for performing mathematical calculations, including graphing functions, finding polynomial roots, and executing scientific operations.
