
There are 35 repositories under meachine-learning topic.

  • NoOneUST/IS-MVSNet

    [ECCV 2022] IS-MVSNet: Importance-sampling-based MVSNet

  • PKU-YuanGroup/TaxDiff

    The official code for "TaxDiff: Taxonomic-Guided Diffusion Model for Protein Sequence Generation"

  • aileowang/Kaggle

    Competition Review

    Language:Jupyter Notebook232025
  • MatoYing/TextMining


    Language:Jupyter Notebook16122
  • mesh-pch/DBSCAN

    Density Based Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) and Related Algorithms in C++

  • secretflow/trustedflow

    A privacy-preserving computing system based on TEE.

  • sebkim/lda2vec-pytorch

    lda2vec pytorch implementation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10361
  • DengBoCong/Competition

    Solutions for NLP-related competition

  • BusamSumanjali/URL-Based-Phishing-Detection-using-machine-Learning

    Phishers Develop the websites similar to those real websites. So, this project comes to know whether the URL is phishing or not.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7103
  • Belhoussine/Moodzik

    MoodZik is a web app that utilizes Machine Learning to analyze its user's face through their webcam, identify their current emotions, and compose music based on how they are feeling.

  • marmurar/jano

    A time slicer for training and testing temporally correlated Machine Learning models.

  • DengBoCong/anomaly-detection

    Anomaly detection algorithm related papers, competition schemes, codes, etc

  • Manish9097/HealthCare-Diabetics

    HeaithCare Diabetics Machine Learning model Deployment by using Flask app.

  • shanggangli/LangChain_ChatGLM_6B


  • Thangam-11/Final-Project

    The Food Price Estimation project focuses on providing estimates of food prices to capture local price fluctuations in regions where people are vulnerable to localized price surges. The project utilizes a machine-learning algorithm designed to predict ongoing subnational price surveys, demonstrating accuracy comparable to direct price measurements.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • Thangam-11/Rental-Property-price-

    In the real estate industry, the determination of rental prices plays a critical role in shaping the interactions between property owners, tenants, and property management companies. The ever-changing nature of the real estate market necessitates a dynamic and data-driven approach to set competitive and fair rental prices.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Yuan-ManX/ai-voice-agents

    AI Voice Agents: Exploring the Next Generation of Human-Machine Interaction! 🎙️🤖🎧

  • Abhiram-23/instagram_filter

    this can be done by open-cv

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • AbhishekTungala/ML-Loan-Approval-Prediction

    ML Loan Approvel Prediction using Python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Green-16/Lihang

    learning notes of the book Statistical learning methods, 统计学习方法[李航] [笔记, 代码, notebook, lihang]

  • LugokuEvil/dwmatix

    Projekt transformacja, czyli Matrix - poznaj reguły gry

  • mrezasaeidi/IranITJobs2021

    A dataset containing 1300 Iranian IT job advertisements in English from August 2019 to January 2021 and collected by using a new crowdsourcing-based dataset gathering process.


    Malware detection project by Machine Learning Algorithms. Top class BE second year project of EnTC students . It detects and tells the accuracy through Machine Learning Algorithms.

  • ssw03270/ML-assignment

    기계학습 대체과제 c++로 제출하기 프로젝트. 학점은 보장 못함;;

  • Thangam-11/copper-model-project

    The "Industrial Copper Modeling" project is designed to enhance your proficiency in data analysis and machine learning, focusing on the challenges posed by complex sales and pricing data in the copper industry. This hands-on project employs advanced machine learning techniques to provide solutions, offering regression models for precise pricing pre

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • Thangam-11/Loan_risk_deduction

    Contributed to the improvement of risk management practices in the lending industry. Led to more responsible lending practices and reduced financial risks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • Amine-RT/ML_learning

    Learning repository for ML

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • MaklonFR/ImageClassification_in_TensorFlow

    Image Classification in TensorFlow (Submission Dicoding Indonesia) - Kelas Belajar Machine Learning untuk Pemula

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • Neyung/ML

    Classification Using Frequent Patterns - UEH

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • Thangam-11/Used-car-price-prediction

    The Used Car Price Prediction project aims to develop a robust data science solution for accurately predicting used car prices. Leveraging a diverse dataset encompassing essential features like car model, number of owners, age, mileage, fuel type, kilometers driven, additional features, and location, this project aspires to build a powerful machine

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • zhangjic18/lhy_ml_homework

