
There are 4 repositories under measurement-systems topic.

  • unitsofmeasurement/uom-systems

    Units of Measurement Systems

  • Tigrov/yii2-country

    Country data for Yii2 using Intl extension and more.

  • shuwang1/GNSS_Perspectives

    GNSS Measurement Engine System Design: Communication Engineering Perspectives

  • sanjuwdr/energy-tracker

    The Arduino based Electricity Measurement is a non-invasive method to track real-time tracking of usage through mobile apps provided and a web server which is accessible by authenticated users. Tracking of energy consumption on a monthly basis has been the traditionally employed strategy. Considering maximum optimization of power this application is intended on real time tracking of energy consumption. Connecting Arduino with electric energy meter and taking digital input seems a good and reliable hardware fit. Current is measured using split core current transformers. This data is then transmitted over a mobile data connection to the web interface which can be accessed by access privileged users. The project aims to provide a clear picture of a home’s current usage through a simple mobile application, and through this data provide an estimate to power consumption. The goal of provided such data to a user is that they will optimize and reduce their power usage.
