
There are 44 repositories under mediastore topic.

  • google/modernstorage

    ModernStorage is a group of libraries that provide an abstraction layer over storage on Android to simplify its interactions

  • anggrayudi/SimpleStorage

    💾 Simplify Android Storage Access Framework for file management across API levels.

  • aws-solutions/live-streaming-on-aws

    The live stream solution is a reference deployment that demonstrates how to deliver highly available live streaming video through an integrated workflow between Elemental Cloud and AWS.

  • CodeBoy722/MediaFacer

    An android library aimed at helping in the structured querying of the MediaStore to get media files in the simplest way possible taking in account both storage mediums on device

  • aws-solutions/media-services-application-mapper

    Media Services Application Mapper is a browser-based tool that allows operators to visualize the structure and logical connections among AWS Media Services and supporting services in the cloud. The tool can be used as a top-down resource monitoring tool when integrated with CloudWatch.

  • indritbashkimi/ScreenKap

    A simple screen recorder app for Android

  • LucJosin/on_audio_query

    Flutter Plugin used to query audios/songs infos [title, artist, album, etc..] from device storage.

  • aws-clustered-video-streams


    A clustered video stream is an AWS architecture that increases the quality and reliability of live events by providing seamless regional failover capabilities for live video steams. Operators can monitor the status of the clustered stream from a single pane of glass and dynamically control from which region the stream consumed by a player originates.

  • SNNafi/media_store_plus

    To use Android MediaStore API in Flutter

  • fsouza/s3-upload-proxy

    Tool for proxying HTTP uploads to S3 and Elemental MediaStore, designed for video live streaming.

  • kaedea/dualapp-mediastore-compatibility

    安卓双开/分身 MediaStore 兼容性测试。Tuning of Android MediaStore & File IO compatibility issues between HostProfile App and WorkProfile/DualApp/MultiApp.

  • Chandigarh-University-students/Music-Player

    A Music Player App to play songs from local storage, built on MVVM architecture with repository pattern and livedata. Users can play songs, keep track of recent songs, mark their favorite songs, create their own playlists and also shuffle & repeat songs.

  • hongbeomi/ScopedStorageSample

    Andorid 11 Scoped Storage Sample (Image)

  • rajaumair7890/VidCompose

    Vid Compose - Jetpack Compose Video Player, Vid Compose is a cutting-edge Android video player app, meticulously crafted with Jetpack Compose. This innovative player is powered by the Media 3 Exoplayer and elevates your video-watching experience to new heights.

  • Cleeng/mediastore-sdk

    React.js component library for building a seamless checkout and account management process

  • LHM777/Scoped-Storage-Android-11-java-example-Save-bitmap-in-Android-using-MediaStore

    An example in Java showing you how to save an image bitmap to gallery using scoped-storage and mediastore with backwards compatibility for older Android versions.

  • Cleeng/mediastore-api-example

    React.js demo app showing the use of Cleeng MediaStore API. It includes checkout, identity management, and my account functionalities.

  • code4rox/MediaLoaderX

  • learntodroid/AndroidVideoTutorial

    Tutorial for playing videos inside an Android app using a VideoView widget. Includes code for playing a video file from the raw resource directory, from a URI on the internet and from a video on the device with the MediaStore API

  • ShaQib07/MediaPicker

  • Everyday-Programmer/Images-from-Specific-Folder

    This repository contains code about how to reterive images from specific folder in android studio.

  • Penrech/Video_record_gallery

    This app is as simply as a video gallery can be. It allows to capture new videos and watch the existing ones

  • CodeBoy722/MediaFacer_Kotlin

    Mediafacer is an Android library that leverages the Android MediaStore Apis primarily for quick retrieval of media content (Video, Audio, Images) from the Mediastore with support for both internal and external storage Medium and built-in pagination.

  • rignaneseleo/gallery_trigger

    A Flutter plugin able to trigger the iOS and Android galleries in order to let them update and show a new resource.

  • rootdavinalfa/OpenMusix

    An open source media player

  • Everyday-Programmer/Videos-From-Specifc-Folder

    This repository contains code about how to reterive videos from specific folder in android studio.

  • expo/expo-media-library

    Expo module providing access to user's media library

  • jaykishan-sewak999/ScopStorage

    This repository contain sample app that demostrate the scope storage - Media Store functionality which supports all android version

  • aaskarlsen/TesteUtGit

    Beskrivelse av prosjektet

  • Cleeng/mediastore-sdk-demo

    App for local testing of mediastore-sdk components

  • condorserg/FileDownloader

    Small App downloads video files using OkHttp, Retrofit, MediaStore

  • hypersoftdev/MediaStore

    Offers an easy way to work with media files on Android devices. It simplifies tasks like accessing images, videos, and audio through the MediaStore API, making media management in Android apps more efficient.

  • judahben149/Serenade

    Serenade is a material-UI music playing/streaming app

  • Greenbook-App


    Greenbook is an Android app where plant lovers meet, exchange leafy interests and develop a vibrant community. It is a dynamic ecosystem where we can share our green adventures and view plants worldwide at our fingertips. The app develops and connects the road between the plant lovers, facilicating as a central hub and embarking on a green journey!

  • Snoy-Kuo/android_save_image_example

    An Android example App that shows how to load, save and share images.

  • paddel10/Loopyloop

    Android app playing local videos while scrolling.
