
There are 9 repositories under messages-api topic.

  • DenzelCode/nest-auth

    NestJS authentication with MongoDB, WebSocket and JWT (Login, Register, Google Login, Facebook Login, Apple Login, Messages, Rooms, Private DMs)

  • TrollSkull/SMSBOX

    SMSBOX is a tool to send anonymous messages. This script uses the Textbelt API to work, Textbelt is an API that allows us to send a single message per day on a single IP.

  • nexmo-community/nexmo-sms-autoresponder-node

    SMS Autoresponder, send messages.

  • WayneChang65/linebot2

    :robot: SDK of the LINE Messaging API for Node.js. (New fork maintained)

  • andretimm/flash

    API para envio de mensagens temporárias

  • burnraging/raging

    Raging repo features the RTOS NUFR. Very resource efficient yet very feature-rich. Linux dev environment, all free tools. Complete set of documentation, reference projects, unit-test framework. Tickless OS available for low power. Runs on ARM Cortex M0, M3, M4, MSP430, MSP430x

  • VitorSavedra/api-message-example

    :mailbox: Exemplo de uma API simples para criação e exibição de mensagens instantâneas.

  • gnsaddy/django_login_registration

    Login and registration with Django

  • superbeppe98/ebay-feedback-sender

    The eBay Feedback Sender is a Python script that automates the process of sending feedback messages to eBay buyers for completed orders within a specified date range. The script provides options to customize the language of the message, skip feedback for specific buyers, and set custom date ranges.
