
There are 15 repositories under microlensing topic.

  • hahnec/plenoptisign

    Light field geometry estimator for plenoptic cameras

  • Professor-G/MicroLIA

    Gravitational microlensing classification engine using machine learning

  • haimengzhao/magic-microlensing

    MAGIC: Microlensing Analysis Guided by Intelligent Computation. A PyTorch framework for automatic analysis of realistic microlensing light curves.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10202
  • muLAn-project/muLAn

    muLAn: MICROlensing Analysis software

    Language:OpenEdge ABL10411
  • illuhad/teralens

    The fastest gravitational (quasar) microlensing code on the planet. A parallel Barnes-Hut tree code optimized for GPUs, written in OpenCL

  • Henry-Best-01/Amoeba

    Amoeba: an AGN Model of Optical Emissions Beyond steady-state Accretion disks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5100
  • ChemaPalencia/M_SMiLe

    Code to provide approximate magnification probability distributions under microlensing by compact objects such as stars or PBHs of strongly lensed stars.

  • rschmidthd/lightcurvefinder

    Implementation of the Witt (1993) method to compute gravitational microlensing light curves for an ensemble of point masses with shear

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • Shurtug4l/Applications-of-Automatic-Differentiation-in-Gravitational-Lensing

    Simone La Porta's Master thesis in gravitational lensing with applications of automatic differentiation @ Alma Mater Studiorum - UniversitĂ  di Bologna

  • ArnaudCassan/microlensing

    Gravitational microlensing

  • laya2020/FEMlimb-Astrophysics

    A fortran program based on FEM, it recovers LD profile of distant stars from gravitational microlensing light curves

  • rschmidthd/causticfinder-py

    Open source implementation of the analytical method by Witt (1990,1991) in gravitational microlensing to find the locations of critical curves and caustics for an abritrary number of stars.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • rschmidthd/lightcontourfinder

    python implementation to compute images of gravitational microlensed circular sources and light curves for an ensemble of point masses with shear.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • weisluke/ccf

    code to calculate the critical curves and caustics of micro-lensing star fields

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • alfa33333/SingleLensAnomalydetection

    Anomaly detection for Microlensing Single lens fitters.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20