
There are 4 repositories under microscopy-metadata topic.

  • WU-BIMAC/NBOMicroscopyMetadataSpecs

    The 4DN + BINA Tiered System of Microscopy Metadata Guidelines was developed by the 4DN Imaging Standards Working Group in collaboration with the BINA Data Management and Quality Control Working Group (https://www.bioimagingna.org/qc-dm-wg) for documenting microscopy experiments and assessing the quality of image data.

  • WU-BIMAC/MicroMetaApp-Electron

    Electron wrapped, stand-alone version of Micro-Meta App, microscopy metadata for the real world!

  • WU-BIMAC/MicroMetaApp-Omero

    This is a limited-functionality, beta - implementation of the integration of Micro-Meta App in the OMERO.web client

  • WU-BIMAC/NBO-Q_MicroscopyGlossary

    4DN-BINA-OME-QUAREP Microscopy Glossary
