
There are 12 repositories under microsoft-coco topic.

  • njchoma/transformer_image_caption

    Image Captioning based on Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1044317
  • SpongeBab/COCO_only_person

    Use the python script to select images contains person in the COCO。

  • leoneversberg/object-detection-pytorch

    A short jupyter notebook to train a Faster R-CNN object detection model with PyTorch v2 using the COCO data format

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6110
  • RMDLO/COCOpen-OpenCV

    First-Prize winner in the Core Track of the 2022 OpenCV AI Competition

  • srinadhu/CS231n_assignment3

    Implemented Vanilla RNN and LSTM networks, combined these with pretrained VGG-16 on ImageNet to build image captioning models on Microsoft COCO dataset. Explored use of image gradients for generating new images and techniques used are Saliency Maps, Fooling Images and Class Visualization. Implemented image Style Transfer technique from 'Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks'. Implemented and trained GAN, LS-GAN and DC-GAN on MNIST dataset to produce images that resemble samples from MNIST, DC-GAN gave best resembling images.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4001
  • AkshayDee-p/Labelbox2coco

    Python file to convert the exported output from labelbox to coco

  • shunk031/huggingface-datasets_MSCOCO

    Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context for huggingface datasets

  • aakaashjois/Colorizing-Grayscale-Images

    Utilize deep learning models to automatically colorize grayscale images

  • AILAB-bh/cocohelper

    An open-source Python library to improve your work with COCO datasets

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21110
  • darkmatter18/Caption-AI

    An integrated web app that captions image and created with ReactJs and Python, with Pytorch

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2401
  • AndreiMoraru123/Super-Resolution

    Modern Graph TensorFlow implementation of Super-Resolution GAN

  • henriklg/image-captioning-network

    IN5400 Mandatory exercise 2

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200