
There are 19 repositories under miem topic.

  • RomeoMe5/DDLM

    Исходные коды к главам книги "Цифровой синтез: практический курс" (под ред. А.Ю. Романова и Ю.В. Панчула)

  • RomeoMe5/De10-Lite_HDL_GPS

    Simple verilog project with ability to connect to GPS module using UART and parse NMEA coordinates using finite state machine

  • MIEM-CAD-Lab/posit-bfloat-testsystem

    This system allows you to independently create and then combine the implementation of any format of real numbers and a set of benchmarks for testing the performance and correctness of calculations of the implementation in question. Posit (unum), float and bfloat tested.

  • RomeoMe5/SystemGenerator-FPGA-Marsohod.org-schoolMIPS

    CAD for automatically configuring FPGA "Marsohod"

  • RomeoMe5/HopfieldFPGA

    Implementation of Hopfield network using Verilog

  • RomeoMe5/neural-Interface-Emotive-Insight-Performance-Metrics

    Emotive Insight neural interface Performance Metrics software

  • RomeoMe5/Terasic-SMK-driver-use-cases

    Terasic Servo Motor Kit (SMK) usage examples

  • RomeoMe5/A-Cute-CAR_Bluetooth

    Управление двуколесным роботом из набора A-Cute Car с помощью Bluetooth

  • RomeoMe5/FPGA-Matrix-Base-operations

    Matrix base operations on FPGA example

  • RomeoMe5/ROS-on-JETSON-NANO

    The Robotic Operating System was installed on the Nvidia Jetson Nano board, and a project was launched that demonstrates the computing power of this board, as well as its peripheral control capabilities. The well-known game “Rock, Scissors, Paper” was chosen as such a project. At the same time, the board recognizes the gesture shown by the player through the information received from the webcam, demonstrates its own random gesture on a manipulator printed on a 3D printer that simulates a human hand.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2301
  • RomeoMe5/circulantGraphs

    Optimal circulant graphs generating results dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1316
  • RomeoMe5/ROS-Line-Follower

    Simple line follower robot with ROS (Raspberry Pi + Arduino + WebCam)

  • RomeoMe5/UOCNS-SE

    UOCNS simulator in Spring enviroment

  • cs173/info_html

    informatics html work (1 year, 1 module)

  • cs173/pl_y1_m2_lab6

    Языки Программирования. 1 курс. 2 модуль. Лабораторная работа 6

  • aaaann/JobFinder

    Клиентское приложение для АС по поиску работы для студентов с использованием ИА, выполненное в рамках курса МИЭМ НИУ ВШЭ "Разработка веб-приложений"

  • nikileg/miem-db-hw

    Homework materials for 'Database management' course at the MIEM HSE

  • RomeoMe5/GeNoC

    GeNoC - Software implementation of the evolutionary computation method for the synthesis of quasi-optimal topologies for Networks-on-Chip

  • vmbytsko/hse-miem-c-course

    MIEM C and C++ homework.
