
There are 20 repositories under mindstorms-rcx topic.

  • maehw/SerialHex2FlipperZeroInfrared

    Convert infrared serial interface commands for Flipper Zero 🐬 🧱🤖

  • maehw/WebPBrick

    Web-based IDE for programming the LEGO Mindstorms RCX using NQC with modern technologies

  • BrickBot/brickOS-bibo

    An alternative RCX operating system and firmware cloning brickOS. The kernel was written from scratch for better performance, but to the average brickOS programmer, changes should be transparent. There is a lot of code borrowed from brickOS, and numerous patches originally targeted for brickOS have been conceptually incorporated. While this project is based on bibo, as brickOS still seems to be the more recognizable name, it has been retained as part of the name.

  • BrickBot/BrickBot.github.io

    A collection of software, firmware, tools, and utilities for the LEGO® MindStorms RCX

  • BrickBot/leJOS-RCX

    A tiny Java Virtual Machine for the Lego MindStorms RCX, containing a VM for Java bytecodes and additional software to load and run Java programs.

  • BrickBot/VisualNQC

    Perhaps the best iconic language tool to replace Lego’s RIS, it generates NQC code & facilitates handling the NQC compilation + deployment processes, too. (Project was formerly known as fUNSoftWare.)

  • maehw/DiyIrTower

    Do-it-yourself infrared serial communication tower (compatible with LEGO IR serial tower)

  • BrickBot/Archive

    An archive of software releases pertaining to the LEGO® MindStorms RCX. This is typically kept in read-only (archive) mode to guard against accidental changes, modifications, deletions, etc.

  • BrickBot/BricxCC

    Bricx Command Center IDE for LEGO® MindStorms robots, including the RCX, NXT, and EV3. Forked from https://bricxcc.sourceforge.net/.

  • BrickBot/Lego.NET

    A project to make the .NET run-time available on a Lego MindStorms RCX running BrickOS firmware

  • BrickBot/etURP

    A program to create NQC (Not Quite C) files for LEGO Mindstorms robots, using a powerful language and interface to access the full potential of the Lego MindStorms RCX.

    Language:Visual Basic 6.01201
  • BrickBot/LDCC

    DCC command station (LDCC) + booster and decoder (LACC) capabilities for the Lego MindStorms RCX

  • BrickBot/PowerFunctions-Remote

    Use an RCX as a remote control for LEGO Power Functions

  • BrickBot/PRO-BOT

    A program editor for the LEGO MindStorms RCX that supports building programs and downloading them to the RCX, sending immediate commands (e.g. PlaySystemSound, PBTurnOff), or retrieving information from the RCX using commands such as Poll or MemMap.

    Language:Visual Basic 6.01101
  • BrickBot/RCX-PI

    An experimental robot platform API for integrating a Raspberry PI with a Lego MindStorms RCX robot.

  • BrickBot/.github

    Repository for the GitHub public organizational profile

  • BrickBot/Ada-MindStorms

    An Ada to NQC translator for the Lego MindStorms RCX

  • BrickBot/PocketProgrammer

    Program the RCX on the RCX using its own screen and buttons.

  • BrickBot/QtNQC

    No project description provided; appears to be a UI for NQC.

  • BrickBot/RoboLab

    Information on installation instructions for RoboLab (standalone) and RoboLab for LabVIEW