
There are 10 repositories under minion-sequencer topic.

  • nmiculinic/minion-basecaller

    Repo for Mincall - MinION basecaller we're working on during academic year 2016/2017.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9611
  • DrQuestion/monica

    MinION Open-source Nucleotide Identifier for Continuous Analysis - Software for MinION sequencing quantitative metagenomic analysis in real time

  • coadunate/MICAS

    MinION Classification & Alerting System

  • mjoppich/sequ-into

    Third generation sequencing techniques rapidly evolved as a common practice in molecular biology. Great advances have been made in terms of feasibility, cost, throughput, and read-length. However, sample contamination still poses a big issue: it complicates correct, high-quality downstream analysis of sequencing data and usage in medical applications. Furthermore, it might be unclear weather the sequenced reads represent the intended target. To address these issues we developed a cross-platform desktop application: Sequ-Into.

  • emiliomastriani/Vir-MinION

    Pipeline for 3rd Generation sequencing data from MinION

  • Meadowlion/LM_ToolKit

    This is just small command line pipeline to simplify going from ONT Unbasecalled data using Guppy to Assembly using Flye, all of the tools are existing tools.

  • Gogis0/barcode-demultiplexing

    Clustering DNA reads by barcodes from raw reads. Old code written for my master-thesis.

  • vhfsantos/MGEcatcher

    Automated detection of unfixed mobile genetic elements in long read DNA sequencing data

  • wennj/plasmid-collapse-gene-loss-unicycler-galaxy

    Accompanying information to a scientific publication on the assembly of bacterial genomes using Illumina and nanopore sequencing data using Unicylcer.
