
There are 12 repositories under mission-planning topic.

  • srmauvsoftware/URSim

    Simulator for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles using ROS and Unity3D

  • gisma/uavRmp

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle R based Mission Planner

  • celest


    Satellite dynamics Python library for orbital calculations and mission planning.

  • sashafierce/Mission-Planning-using-ga

    Sensor based Mission Planning for single robot using greedy based genetic algorithm

  • mkhaled87/pFaces-OmegaThreads

    OmegaThreads constructs automatically correct-bu-construction controllers for dynamical systems to satisfy Omega-regular specifications given as discrete parity automata (DPA) or linear temporal logic (LTL) formulae. It constructs a symbolic model of the system and combine it with the specification into a parity game. Winning the parity game results into a closed-loop controller that enforces the specification on the system. The controller is generated as a Mealy machine. A Python interface and a 2d simulator are provided.

  • Sollimann/BehaviorTree

    A behavior tree library to integrate with i.e Unity Game Engine for controlling agents / AIs / NPCs

  • BenchmarkSims/maps-server

    A collaboration server to enable mission preparation for multiplayer missions

  • ertosns/kuka

    kuka robot mission planner

  • nws01/MissionShredder

    Generates HuginOS Mission Plans based on user input

  • somritabanerjee/BiMDPs.jl

    Bi-level MDPs for Mission Planning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Joosty/Third-Year-Project-Beyond-Fuel

    This repository is a record of the Python scripts created by myself for my third-year project. It includes an orbital decay simulation for lifetime prediction, as well as fuel estimation scripts for orbit maintenance and rendezvous manoeuvres.

  • mkner/road-network-paths

    Shortest road network paths with Open Street Map using a Dijkstra/A* Combo Algorithm

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101