
There are 28 repositories under ml-pipelines topic.

  • whylabs/whylogs

    An open-source data logging library for machine learning models and data pipelines. 📚 Provides visibility into data quality & model performance over time. 🛡️ Supports privacy-preserving data collection, ensuring safety & robustness. 📈

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2.6k32428118
  • sematic


    An open-source ML pipeline development platform

  • udellgroup/oboe

    An AutoML pipeline selection system to quickly select a promising pipeline for a new dataset.

  • zetane/ZetaForge

    Open source AI platform for rapid development of advanced AI and AGI pipelines.

  • evidentlyai/ml_observability_course

    Free Open-source ML observability course for data scientists and ML engineers. Learn how to monitor and debug your ML models in production.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook645126
  • opctl/opctl

    Free and open source automation platform

  • ml-pipeline-engineering


    Best practices for engineering ML pipelines.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook37509
  • IBM/sail

    Library for streaming data and incremental learning algorithms.

  • Ark-kun/pipeline_components

    Components that I have created for Kubeflow Pipelines. Try them in

  • prateeksawhney97/Disaster-Response-Pipeline

    This Project is a part of Data Science Nanodegree Program by Udacity in collaboration with Figure Eight. The initial dataset contains pre-labelled tweet and messages from real-life disasters. The aim of this project is to build a Natural Language Processing tool that categorize messages.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8302
  • Elkinmt19/airflow-master

    This a repo that was created to learn more about Airflow and develop awesome data engineering projects. 🚀🚀

  • leosmerling-hopeit/fraud-poc

    Fraud detection ML pipeline and serving POC using Dask and hopeit.engine. Project created with nbdev:

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4204
  • chrisliatas/dsnd-ml-pipeline

    ML pipeline to categorize emergency messages based on the needs communicated by the sender.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • yvgupta03/Big_Data_Project_US-Airlines_Tweet_Processing_and_Analysis

    Big data application of Machine Learning concepts for sentiment classification of US Airlines tweets. The focus is on the usage of pyspark libraries (ml-lib) on big data to solve a problem using Machine Learning algorithms and not about the choice of algorithm used in the ML model creation. It also involves data pre-processing using NLP techniques, cross-validation and parameter-grid builder.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • rochitasundar/DeepLearning.AI-Practical-Data-Science-On-AWS-Cloud-Specialization

    This repository contains my code solution to DeepLearning.AIs Practical Data Science On AWS Cloud Specialization.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • tbsraja/Personalized_Cancer_Treatment

    Develop algorithms to classify genetic mutations based on clinical evidence (text).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • zacharyvunguyen/Production-Ready-ML-Pipeline-on-GCP-Baby-Weight-Prediction

    In this project, I developed a completed Vertex and Kubeflow pipelines SDK to build and deploy an AutoML / BigQuery ML regression model for online predictions. Using this ML Pipeline, I was able to develop, deploy, and manage the production ML lifecycle efficiently and reliably.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • CrazyTrain93/pipeline_showcase

    Proving Skills in Pipelines, Pickle Files and ML Modelling

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Fahlevi20/CI-CD-for-Machine-Learning-Github-Actions

    Learning create CI-CD for Machine Learning Pipelines Github Actions

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • isha167/IMDB-sentiment-classification

    Collaborative team machine learning project classifying reviews scraped from the IMDB website as either positive or negative using sentiment classification. Tools used: BeautifulSoup and Splinter to scrape reviews, Pyspark, SQLAlchemy and Heroku.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0000
  • ismailsimsek/StoreSalesTimeSeriesForecasting

    Testing preprocessing capabilities of different ML libraries

  • JZMNE/ML_Pipelines

    This shows the machine learning pipeline for Classification and Clustering using Pycaret 3.0 on jupyter notebook

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • mopechowski/mlops-case-study

    Example solution to the MLOps Case Study covering both online and batch processing.

  • msunda17/sml-project


  • siddarthaThentu/Disaster-Response-Pipeline

    A deployed machine learning model that has the capability to automatically classify the incoming disaster messages into related 36 categories. Project developed as a part of Udacity's Data Science Nanodegree program.

  • mbalcerzak/the-warsaw-project

    Website built in JavaScript & React as a "blog" to document an ML pipeline I built for Apartment Price Scraping project

  • oozdal/Mobile-Price-Classification-with-AWS-SageWaker

    This project focuses on building end-to-end machine learning pipeline using AWS SageMaker to predict the price range of mobile phones based on their specifications, enhancing consumer decision-making and streamlining the development process.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11
  • SteliosGian/model-workflow

    Course 2 project of the Udacity ML DevOps Nanodegree Program
