
There are 58 repositories under model-fitting topic.

  • kzampog/cilantro

    A lean C++ library for working with point cloud data

  • pytorchbearer/torchbearer

    torchbearer: A model fitting library for PyTorch

  • zfit/zfit

    Model manipulation and fitting library based on TensorFlow and optimised for simple and direct manipulation of probability density functions. Its main focus is on scalability, parallelisation and user friendly experience.

  • chasmani/piecewise-regression

    piecewise-regression (aka segmented regression) in python. For fitting straight line models to data with one or more breakpoints where the gradient changes.

  • astrorama/SourceXtractorPlusPlus

    SourceXtractor++, the next generation SExtractor

  • jetset


    JetSeT a framework for self-consistent modeling and fitting of astrophysical relativistic jets

  • VipulRamtekkar/Active-Appearance-Models

    Course Project for the course CS 736

  • NeuralEnsemble/neurotune

    Package for fitting/optimization of NeuroML models

  • quantumjot/PyFolding

    Python framework for multi-parameter optimization and evaluation of protein folding models

  • tatha04/Housing-Prices-Advanced-Regression-Techniques

    This notebook explores the housing dataset from Kaggle to predict Sales Prices of housing using advanced regression techniques such as feature engineering and gradient boosting.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15108
  • NMikolajewicz/MetaLab

    Meta-analysis toolbox for basic research applications. Developed in MATLAB R2016b.

  • adbecker/tsiR

    tsiR: An R package for time-series Susceptible-Infected-Recovered models of epidemics

  • anilbey/Nonlinear-Model-Identification-with-FROE

    Implementation of the algorithm described in the following paper. Korenberg, M., Billings, S.A. and Liu, Y.P. (1987) An Orthogonal Parameter Estimation Algorithm for Nonlinear Stochastic Systems

  • int-brain-lab/ibl-changepoint

    Toolbox for change-point detection and ideal-observer analyses of IBL task data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook540
  • alexandershaw4/aoptim

    a gradient-based optimisation routine for highly parameterised non-linear dynamical models

  • poissonconsulting/universals

    An R package of S3 generic methods for Bayesian analyses that generate MCMC samples

  • omyllymaki/ransac-solver

    General RANSAC solver with detailed examples.

  • canmod/macpan2


  • JaPitt/GEARS

    GEARS a toolbox for Global parameter Estimation with Automated Regularisation via Sampling by Jake Alan Pitt and Julio R. Banga

  • lacerbi/nyu2023-bayes

    Tutorial on Bayesian model fitting with (Py)VBMC.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • sg-s/model

    Elegant Mathematica-style model manipulation, fitting and exploration in MATLAB.

  • AlessandroMessori/Preference-Selection-Automatic-Cut

    Automatic Dendrogram Cut integration for preference based Computer Vision Model Fitting algorithms

  • Briankim254/mushroom-classifier

    This repository hosts a machine learning-based mushroom identification system, utilizing scikit-learn models in a Jupyter notebook. The project analyzes and processes a Kaggle dataset to train a model that classifies mushrooms as edible or poisonous, providing a reliable tool for mushroom enthusiasts and foragers.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook120
  • devosmitachatterjee2018/Computer_Vision

    The project involves projective geometry, geometric transformations, modelling of cameras, feature extraction, stereo vision, recognition and deep learning, 3d-modelling, geometry of surfaces and their silhouettes, tracking, and visualisation.

  • dteuscher1/NBA-Basketball-Visualization

    Visualization and model fitting for Kobe Bryant shots over the course of his career. Data comes from the Kobe Bryant Shot Selection Kaggle Competition

  • GeoVr-organization/RESP3D-generator

    From coin to 3D face sculpture of roman emperors

  • maxxhvo/Modelling_Climate_Change_Via_Indicators

    Statistical Modelling and Data Visualization of a Climate Change Dataset (January 1984 to December 2008 ) Sourced from Kaggle

  • miguelangelnieto/Finding-Donors-for-CharityML

    Investigated factors that affect the likelihood of charity donations being made based on real census data. Developed a naive classifier to compare testing results to. Trained and tested several supervised machine learning models on preprocessed census data to predict the likelihood of donations. Selected the best model based on accuracy, a modified F-scoring metric, and algorithm efficiency.

  • Olrez/HVAC_model_regression

    HVAC model fitting tool from measured data, basic tkinter gui

  • priyalfatewar/Data-Analytics-Project-on-Gender-Classification

    Data Analytics on a simple gender classification dataset taken from kaggle. Univariate bivariate and multivariate analysis EDA and model fitting

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • shridhar1504/Foreign-Exchange-Rate-Time-series-Datascience-Project

    This project will use time series analysis to forecast the exchange rate between the euro and the US dollar. The project will use a variety of statistical techniques, such as ARIMA to model the data and forecast the exchange rate.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • shridhar1504/Sales-Forecasting-Datascience-Project

    Develop a data science project using historical sales data to build a regression model that accurately predicts future sales. Preprocess the dataset, conduct exploratory analysis, select relevant features, and employ regression algorithms for model development. Evaluate model performance, optimize hyperparameters, and provide actionable insights.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • Siddharth1989/WranglingRealEstateData

    Wrangled real estate data from multiple sources and file formats, brought it into a single consistent form and analysed the results.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • paogam1997/Sensibility-Analysis-MatlabToolbox

    Files used for the Cibernetica Fisiologica project. I've used the Matlab sensitivity toolbox to find the parameters that make the model fits the data simulated.

  • Ramy-Badr-Ahmed/SignalProcessor

    Signal Processor in Python

  • simonehagey/orbdot

    A Python package for fitting secular evolution models to exoplanet transit and radial velocity observations, and interpreting results in the context of various theoretical predictions.
