
There are 177 repositories under model-training topic.

  • ZhaoJ9014/face.evoLVe

    🔥🔥High-Performance Face Recognition Library on PaddlePaddle & PyTorch🔥🔥

  • Dreambooth-Stable-Diffusion


    Implementation of Dreambooth ( by way of Textual Inversion ( for Stable Diffusion ( Tweaks focused on training faces, objects, and styles.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3.2k39107559
  • microsoft/pai

    Resource scheduling and cluster management for AI

  • SkyWorkAIGC/SkyChat-Chinese-Chatbot-GPT3

    SkyChat是一款基于中文GPT-3 api的聊天机器人项目。它可以像chatGPT一样,实现人机聊天、问答、中英文互译、对对联、写古诗等任务。| SkyChat is a Chatbot project based on Chinese GPT3 API. Like chatGPT, it can do human-machine chat, question and answer, and can also complete tasks such as Chinese-English or English-Chinese translation, content continuation, couplets, and Chinese ancient poems writing.

  • SkyWorkAIGC/SkyText-Chinese-GPT3

    SkyText是由奇点智源发布的中文GPT3预训练大模型,可以进行文章续写、对话、中英翻译、内容风格生成、推理、诗词对联等不同任务。| SkyText is a Chinese GPT3 pre-trained large model released by Singularity-AI, which can perform different tasks such as chatting, Q&A, and Chinese-English translation.

  • Robotics-Object-Pose-Estimation


    A complete end-to-end demonstration in which we collect training data in Unity and use that data to train a deep neural network to predict the pose of a cube. This model is then deployed in a simulated robotic pick-and-place task.

  • tobecwb/stable-diffusion-regularization-images

    Stable Diffusion Regularization Images in 512px, 768px and 1024px on 1.5, 2.1 and SDXL 1.0 checkpoints

  • yihong1120/Construction-Hazard-Detection

    An AI-driven solution for enhancing safety at construction sites. Utilises YOLOv8 for object detection to identify overhead hazards like heavy loads and steel pipes. Alerts are triggered if personnel are detected beneath these hazards. Dataset sourced from Taiwan's construction industry.

  • delve-team/delve

    PyTorch model training and layer saturation monitor

  • adumrewal/imageMatting

    Simplified Deep Image Matting training code with keras on tensorflow

  • captain


    Give your computer an AI Brain

  • prabhuomkar/bitbeast

    Experiments with Model Training, Deployment & Monitoring

  • medoidai/skrobot

    skrobot is a Python module for designing, running and tracking Machine Learning experiments / tasks. It is built on top of scikit-learn framework.

  • mohamedamine99/YOLOv8-custom-object-detection

    This repository showcases the utilization of the YOLOv8 algorithm for custom object detection and demonstrates how to leverage my pre-developed modules for object tracking and counting tasks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook19203
  • sayakpaul/CI-CD-for-Model-Training

    This repository holds files and scripts for incorporating simple CI/CD practices for model training in ML.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook18206
  • Hameem1/Step-Detection-using-Machine-Learning

    Implements an entire machine learning pipeline to train and evaluate a Random Forest Classifier on labeled gait data for walking. Data generated during the experiment has led to helpful insights in to the problem domain.

  • matlab-deep-learning/Hyperparameter-Tuning-in-MATLAB-using-Experiment-Manager-and-TensorFlow

    This example shows how to use MATLAB to train a TensorFlow model and tune it's hyperparameters using co-execution with Python.

  • ltfschoen/AIND-Recognizer

    Term 1 Project 3 Design a Sign Language Recognition System by Luke Schoen for Udacity Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree (AIND)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12215
  • OLAMIDE100/Capstone-Project-Mlops-ZoomCamp

    This is a capstone project associated with MLOps Zoomcamp. The end goal of the project is to build an end-to-end machine learning project containing feature engineering, training, validation, tracking, modeel deployment, hosting, and general engineering best practices aimed at making house price predictions.

  • fangvv/FL-PQSU

    Code for paper "Accelerating Federated Learning for IoT in Big Data Analytics with Pruning, Quantization and Selective Updating"

  • Yyalexx/detecting-beer

    Определение количества позиций товара на витрине по фотографиям. (label-studio, yolov5, torch, rabbitmq, pika, docker-compose)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10100
  • maxsitt/insect-detect-ml

    Notebooks for detection and classification model training. Insect classification model. Python scripts for processing of data, collected with the Insect Detect DIY camera trap.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9201
  • ai-dock/onetrainer

    OneTrainer docker images for use in GPU cloud and local environments. Includes AI-Dock KDE Plasma desktop with GPU acceleration and audio for authentication and improved user experience.

  • animikhaich/No-Code-Classification-Toolkit

    Containerized Tensorflow-based image classification training utility with Streamlit-based interface designed to choose between common architectures and optimizers for quick hyperparameter tuning.

  • apekshar5/Depression-Analyzer

    Deep Learning based research project for predicting mental state of a person.

  • awesome-mlops/awesome-mlops-kubernetes

    A curated list of awesome open source tools and commercial products that will help you train, deploy, monitor, version, scale, and secure your production machine learning on kubernetes 🚀


    This bert model uses api as input data pipeline and perform classification of the desired cases.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7211
  • notrichbish/cyberbully-detection-using-ML

    This project contains the file of my undergraduate Final Year Project. This project aims to expose cyberbullying in Twitter by using Machine Learning to classify whether the tweet is suspicious or not. A deployment has been created using streamlit.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7100
  • AIDynamics/NeoPulse_Examples

    Model training examples for NeoPulse AI Studio AMI

  • cereniyim/Tree-Classification-ML-Model

    Multi-label classification of various tree types

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6103
  • rktayal/custom_object_detection_train

    Demonstrates on how to train your model on custom class using tensorflow

  • Vidhi1290/Machine-learning-Pipeline

    Explore a collection of Jupyter notebooks that guide you through various stages of the machine learning pipeline. From data analysis and feature engineering to model training and deployment, these notebooks provide practical insights for both beginners and experienced data enthusiasts. Let's dive into the world of data-driven decision-making! 📊🚀"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6101
  • cereniyim/Energy-Consumption-Regression-ML-Model

    Energy consumption prediction of a building

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5101
  • denissimon/distributed-model-training

    Approach to implementing distributed training of an ML model on mobile devices.

  • Deja-Vu


    🎯 A facial recognition/detection app with Angular using Microsoft's Face API

  • sequence-prediction-ann


    Predict next number in a sequence using a simple ANN. Modularized code with classes for data preparation, neural network architecture, and training.
