
There are 57 repositories under monte-carlo-sampling topic.

  • mjvakili/ccppabc

    Approximate Bayesian Computation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15231
  • mlund/SI-surfacefibrils

    Supporting information for Aggregate Size Dependence of Amyloid Adsorption onto Charged Interfaces

  • adeschen/methylInheritance

    Bioconductor Package - Permutation-Based Analysis associating Conserved Differentially Methylated Elements Across Multiple Generations to a Treatment Effect

  • dquigley533/mc_water_ls_mw

    Lattice-Switching Monte Carlo Code for the mW water model

  • Francesco-Zeno-Costanzo/metodi-numerici

    raccolta dei codici per il corso di metodi numerici

  • JurijNastran/Ellipsoids

    demonstration of methods implemented in my thesis "Robustness assessment of the biological processor using hyperellipsoids"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • nifets/TorusEvol

    This is a Bayesian model for sequence and structure alignment of multiple proteins in a star phylogeny. The structural divergence across time is modelled by letting the dihedral angles of the backbones evolve according to a diffusion over the flat square torus.

  • pmldrmota/montecarlo

    C++ Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling

  • raypretam/Monte-Carlo-methods

    Few examples of monte carlo simulations

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • raywan/rays

    Ray's Ray Tracer - A Monte Carlo Path Tracer

  • siavashtab/SampSimu

    Sampling and resampling techniques for random sample generation, estimation, and simulation

  • snatch59/keras-variational-autoencoders

    Variational autoencoders using Kera's modular design

  • artfin/mcint

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • bhavanajain/RBMs

    In summer 2017, I was an intern at the Purdue University working under Prof Bruno Ribeiro on improving the training of Restricted Boltzmann Machines. We used the Las Vegas transformation of Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to obtain better samples to estimate the negative phase of the gradient. The model trained via this method achieved a significantly higher likelihood on the MNIST data as compared to the conventional model trained via Contrastive Divergence. This repository contains a brief report on my work.

  • itsayushthada/Statistical-Mechanics

    Statistical Modelling for the Problem related to the field of Classical and Quantum Mechanics.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook201
  • neonrights/CoopNet

    Descriptor and Generator components of CoopNet

  • SwamiKannan/Reinforcement-Learning-Specialization

    Programming Assignments for Reinforcement Learning Specialization

    Language:Jupyter Notebook101
  • terminalai/MonteCarloSim

    Simulation and Optimizing of 2D mail delivery system with Monte Carlo and Genetic Algorithms for the SUTD Virtual Research Hackathon

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • XJTU-SEE/ScaleLat

    ScaleLat program enables an direct analysis and extraction of all symmetry-reduced characteristic atomic cluster cells for a multi-phase system or high-entropy alloys, and then mapping those chemical cells to a user defined small supercell.
