
There are 109 repositories under movies-recommendation topic.

  • Movies-recommendation-system

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • movie.recommender

  • MoviexX

    The Movie Application is a web application that allows users to search for movies, view movie details, and explore information about various films.

  • movie-rec-system

    The project extracts movie data using TheMovieDB API, processes it using TF-IDF and cosine similarity for generating recommendations, and stores the data in a DuckDB database. The system is encapsulated within a FastAPI web application and can be deployed using Docker. It provides movie recommendations in JSON format.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • my-movies-list

    "My Movies Flix" is a simple web app created using React, With this app you can explore a curated list of my all-time favorite movies, thoughtfully divided into several captivating genres.

  • Kool-Cool-Movie-Recommendations-Flask

    The provided code snippet performs movie recommendation based on movie metadata using the TMDB Movie Metadata dataset from Kaggle.

  • get-movies-info

    Simple Movie's Info provider Web App using react.js

  • big-data-project

    🎞️ School Big Data Project

  • Recommendation-System

    Simple Movies RecSystem for learning purposes

  • CineMagic

    This is movie rating website where you will see movie ratings and all information regarding movies. This is made up of React Js and it is fully responsive.

  • Movie-Recommendation-Neural-Network


    Creating a neural network that takes my preferences in movies and predicting whether or not I'll like a particular movie.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Movie-Recommendation-System-using-ML

    This projects aims to recommend movies to the user based on high similarity scores among them.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • movies-recommender-system

    item-based movie recommender system using cosine similarity

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Movie-App-RTK

    A feature rich online movie app built with reactjs, redux-toolkit and scss. The data is coming from Open Movie Database (OMDB) api.

  • Movie_Recommendation_System

    A Movie Recommendation System Project- Where we have implemented 4 different approaches to create the recommender

  • movies-recommendation-system

    recommending movies based on inputs provided by user.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • LISA


    Logically Interactive Software Algorithm, abbreviated as LISA, is a rudimental voice assistant. She was built using Python 3 and is constantly being updated with new functionalities.

  • Binge-Watcher

    A Movie Recommendation and review system. Data taken from IMDB. Used collaborative filtering for Recommendation system. Sentiment analysis using NLP. Deployed on Heroku. Developed using Flask.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • BigData-For-Movies

    A model to recommend movies based on collaborative filtering (using ALS algorithm) and perform various analysis on the data.

  • python-hulu-top-250-movies

    Python script to scrape Hulu's top 250 movies

  • Sentiment-Analysis

    تحليل الآراء باستخدام التعلّم العميــــق دراسة حالة: تطوير نموذج تعلّم عميق لتصنيف مراجعات الأفلام إيجابية أو سلبية باستخدام بايثون ومكتبة كيراس Keras خطوة بخطوة

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • watch-52

    Add 52 great movies from IMDB as Todoist tasks with due dates.

  • SE_MovieSuggest

    An Expert System to recommend movies

  • OceanOfMovies

    A one stop to movies

  • filminds

    🤖 Personal movie recommendation chat bot

  • MovieScope

    An Android App for movie enthusiasts.

  • IMDB

    Predict greatness of the movie using Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Movies_Recommendation

    Recommendation System: It helps a user to discover new Movies/Products by predicting Rating on each item for a particular user from Past Experience of that User


    Simple movies recomendations based on average score and popularity from The Movie DataBase

  • cinema-review

    cinema-review website

  • Movie_recommendation-system

    movie recommendation systems aim to predict and suggest movies that align with individual user preferences.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • movie-recomendation-system

    Movie and TV Series Content Based Portuguese Recomendation System

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • MovieZilla

    MovieZilla is a platform in which users can find all information about Movies and TV Shows such as their Release Date, Casting Actors, Reviews, Ratings and many more things. Here users can also Search for Movies as well as TV Shows and can gain Information about it.

  • Film-Fusion

    Film Fusion offers movie reviews, personalized recommendations, and a parent's guide for an immersive cinema experience. Users access diverse reviews and receive tailored recommendations based on ratings. The parent's guide ensures suitability for children.

  • excel-for-friends

    Do you often recommend your latest movies, TV shows, games or songs to your friends? Then this repository is for you. Add your favorite movies, TV shows, games, songs and also rate them for your friends.

  • MovieSwiper

    Welcome to MovieSwiper, where choosing a film is faster than microwaving popcorn!
