
There are 15 repositories under mrlizzard topic.

  • EpitechUtils/EpiMobile

    :dart: {v2 coming soon} Epitech intranet mobile application on iOS and Android (push notification, schedule, session remember, student utils and more...)

  • cyrilcolinet/MUL_my_rpg_2017

    :bomb: Epitech RPG project in CSFML. Make yout own Final Fantasy Game with C language and CSFML library.

  • LesSinsDuFutur/naval_battle

    Projet de SIN Terminale STI2D - Session 2016/2017

  • cyrilcolinet/105torus_2017

    :books: Tore epitech maths project. Continuation of the 101pong, and should allow to draw more complex forms, such as tores (2th and 4th degree equation (in the case of tore))

  • cyrilcolinet/107transfer_2017

    :books: Epitech transfert Maths project. The goal of this project is to calculate a polynom and give their values

  • cyrilcolinet/108trigo_2017

    :books: Epitech trigo Maths project. The goal of this project is play with matrix and cos, tan, sin, and more...

  • cyrilcolinet/109titration_2017

    :books: Epitech titration Maths project. The goal of this project is to calculate derivative and preservatives (titration of solution). Too get more informations see the subject in README file.

  • cyrilcolinet/CPE_matchstick_2017

    :fire: Matchstick epitech project. Project based on the famouse matchsticks game. The goal is to leave the last stick to the other player (in this case, to the IA)

  • cyrilcolinet/CPE_my_library

    :shell: All basics C functions recoded in epitech CPool 2017. Including my_printf, my_malloc, my_realloc and all basics str functions and other

  • cyrilcolinet/hub

    Un hub refait de zéro, avec des montures, des particules, etc... Tout comme avant !

  • cyrilcolinet/MUL_my_cook_2017

    :video_game: Graphic Epitech project in group. The goal of this project is to make a game like Cook Serve Delicious with the CSFML library

  • cyrilcolinet/PSU_42sh_2017

    :shell: [PART FINAL] 42sh epitech project. The goal of the project is to recode a shell and simillary reproduce the 'tcsh' terminal, with only cd, setenv, unsetenv, exit and echo commands. Bonuses: globbings, inhibitors, aliases, history, keymapping

  • cyrilcolinet/PSU_navy_2017

    :shell: System Unix Programming Navy's Epitech project. The goal of this project is to maitrise signals (SIGINT, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, ..., and be able to send data with their signals.

  • cyrilcolinet/PSU_tetris_2017

    :shell: System Unix Programming Tetris's Epitech project. The goal of this project is to reproduce the tetris game by using the ncurses library

  • cyrilcolinet/WardBuilder

    :video_game: Plugin pour le serveur de build. Fonctionnement à l'aide de Multiverse-Core, de panneaux et de beaucoup d'amour :heart:
