
There are 8 repositories under msal-authentication topic.

  • Barbarur/NovaPoint

    Open source application to help managing SharePoint Online

  • dev-shuvodip/MSAL-UserAuth-ASP.NetCore-Angular

    User Authentication in Angular SPA with ASP.Net Core Backend using MSAL.js 2.0 with auth code flow

  • dev-shuvodip/ng-msal-user-auth-poc

    User Authentication in Angular SPA using MSAL.js 2.0 with auth code flow

  • 0x78f1935/RainWork

    API Framework - Create, Export and Import API endpoints, Manage users, tokens and request history in dashboards and configure the server to your liking with a flick of a boolean. Choose from various authentication methods or keep the server open for the public!

  • Farnaz-Ansari/MsalTransientFaultHandling

    Transient Fault Handling for Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) calls

  • luna4tech/DistributedChatServer

    Web server for group chat application which uses Microsoft Oauth to sign in and web socket connection to send and receive messages. This needs to be run together with client application

  • MallikarjunH/SocialNetworksLogin

    This Repository contain different coding sample project of Login with Facebook, Twitter, Apple, MSAL, Google+ platforms in to the iOS App.

  • manasmdg3/msal-angular-tutorial

    This project is based on msal-angular library's official tutorial for Angular Single Page Application or SLA The goal of this demo is to Sign in users and call the Microsoft Graph API from an Angular single-page application (SPA) using auth code flow.
