
There are 10 repositories under msal-browser topic.

  • Intility/cypress-msal

    A cypress plugin for projects using @azure/msal-browser.

  • playerony/validate-azure-ad-token

    Function to validate access token received from azure active directory. Useful when you're using a msal library to authenticate users on the frontend and you wanna verify Microsoft tokens in the API.

  • mcosta21/multiple-authentication-react

    Multiple authentication with React (Microsoft and Google)

  • ShadyNagy/b2c-blazor-wasm-31

    Secure an ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly hosted app with Azure Active Directory B2C (Without implicit grant).

  • msal3-spa-quickstart


    MVP implementation of authentication with Azure AD using the current MSAL.

  • niborium/CHNY

    Group task Web developer .NET, course: Web applications with real-time communication. Client interface for managing connected sensors (IoT) for employees at the Concorde Hotel New York. See all sensors, reset alarmed sensors, see telemetry and alarms in real time. Created by Robin K, Niklas B, Emil A & Marcus R (WU21). React, JS, MSAL & SignalR.

  • alimughalx/react-fluent-app

    React Fluent UI Typescript SEO friendly SPA which can use MSAL and WordPress Auth with JWT token. Home component contains WP posts rendered in DocumentCard of Fluent UI. Calender can read your events, add new events. Create post where you can create the wp post. Single post is to read post with react.

  • johannesjakobsson/chelsea-international-hostel

    Gruppuppgift Webbutvecklare.NET, kurs: Webbapplikationer med realtidskommunikation. Hotellet Chelsea International Hostel har påbörjat sin digitaliseringsprocess med hjälp av SmartHuts smarta sensorer som kan mäta exempelvis värme och luftfuktighet. Nu vill de ha hjälp att skapa ett användargränssnitt för att kunna styra sina smarta sensorer.

  • CodErebus-dot-com/msal-react

    A sample app to integrate Login flow managed by Azure AD service (AD B2C) with the help of MSAL React library

  • manasmdg3/msal-angular-tutorial

    This project is based on msal-angular library's official tutorial for Angular Single Page Application or SLA The goal of this demo is to Sign in users and call the Microsoft Graph API from an Angular single-page application (SPA) using auth code flow.
