
There are 20 repositories under multicast-streams topic.

  • real-logic/aeron

    Efficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC message transport

  • scalecube-services


    Microservices library - scalecube-services is a high throughput, low latency reactive microservices library built to scale. It features: API-Gateways, service-discovery, service-load-balancing, the architecture supports plug-and-play service communication modules and features. built to provide performance and low-latency real-time stream-processing

  • rajvi-patel-22/Internet-Radio-Multicasting-multimedia-over-IP

    This project will work as mentioned below.First, Client will send a join request to the server to join the multicast group.After that Server will provide station list, site info to the client through TCP. Then whichever station it selects from the station list, it is connected to that station.All the stations are sending data, irrespective of client is connected or not. This functionality is incorporated to relate more with real life situation, e.g Tv/radio sends data even though there is no receiver connected.Whenever receiver connects to a particular station, it starts receiving live-streaming videos from that station. Receiver can pause, resume, change station or even terminate at any given time from GUI using thread.

  • kirintwn/prompeg-decoder

    A proxy to recover lost packets from FFmpeg Pro-MPEG video stream

  • futzu/gums

    gums is a Multicast (UDP) Stream Sender. gumc is a Multicast(UDP) Stream Client. Up and running in 3 lines of code, or it's Free.

  • picosonic/unicast2multicast

    Recieve unicast packets and forward on as multicast

  • Laur04/multicast-menu

    Multicast Menu: Making multicasted content easily accessible for everyone

  • scalecube/rsocket-transport-aeron

    Aeron Transport for RSocket

  • omnitonal/jack-netbridge

    A Python tool to send and receive Jack audio and MIDI as multicast network streams.

  • clivesantamaria/contribution-hd-uhd

    Contribution specification for HD and UHD streams

  • fbasatemur/gstreamer_examples

    GStreamer UDP Multicast stream listener | C++ example

  • geekmug/mforward

    Multicast Forwarder

  • hrnozel/listener

    Cross-platform, header only multicast listener

  • ska-la/4VLC

    Simple web interface to multicast .mpeg, .mp4, .mpg, .mov and .vob files with VLM. For mob devices with screen size around 3.5''. Adapted for people with poor vision or big fingers.

  • Sourabpawar66/Internet-Radio-Multicasting-multimedia-over-IP

    Multicast streaming project where clients join a group, select a station from server-provided info, and receive live video streams. Stations broadcast continuously, and clients can control playback (pause, resume, switch, or exit) via a GUI.

  • avinashjoshi/tutor

    A 'C' application that has one streaming server and many clients. It can be thought of as a Multicast Tree rooted at streaming host

  • december-soul/multicast_test

    receiver a multicast video stream, print out some infos and write stream to file

  • deXetrous/Multicast-and-Broadcast-routing

    A multimedia streaming application demonstrating multicasting

  • ianbandrade/chat-multicast-java-ianbandrade

    💬 Multicast Chat application
