
There are 5 repositories under multicommodity topic.

  • frangio68/SubGrad-4-FC-MMCF

    Subgradient methods for Multicommodity Network Design

  • sabotack/NFOpt

    NFOpt is a tool for optimizing network flows by formulating and solving several types of optimization problems as well as multicommodity flow routing.

  • yuzhenfeng2002/Traffic-Assignment-2024

    Codes in this repository compute the traffic assignment using the algorithms of: (1) Frank-Wolfe Algorithm with Exact Line Search/step size of (2 / (k + 2)); (2) Conjugate Direction Frank-Wolfe Algorithm; (3) Path-based Projection Gradient Algorithm with Exact Line Search/fixed step size

  • aliahsan07/approx-algo-multiflows

    Personal Notes on two papers dealing with approximation algorithms for the multicommodity flow problem

  • AlessandroCavaglia/OC-2023

    University project developed for The OC course at university of Turin in 2023, it is a study of the MC-MCF problem
