
There are 299 repositories under multilayer-perceptron-network topic.

  • pytorch-kaldi


    pytorch-kaldi is a project for developing state-of-the-art DNN/RNN hybrid speech recognition systems. The DNN part is managed by pytorch, while feature extraction, label computation, and decoding are performed with the kaldi toolkit.

  • afsalashyana/FakeImageDetection

    Fake Image Detection Using Machine Learning

  • buomsoo-kim/PyTorch-learners-tutorial

    PyTorch tutorial for learners

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1194037
  • jingcheng-du/Gene2vec

    Gene2Vec: Distributed Representation of Genes Based on Co-Expression

  • GianlucaPaolocci/Sound-classification-on-Raspberry-Pi-with-Tensorflow

    In this project is presented a simple method to train an MLP neural network for audio signals. The trained model can be exported on a Raspberry Pi (2 or superior suggested) to classify audio signal registered with USB microphone

  • davidalbertonogueira/MLP

    Simple multilayer perceptron c++ implementation.

  • mrosol/Nonlincausality

    Python package for Granger causality test with nonlinear forecasting methods.

  • vishalshar/Audio-Classification-using-CNN-MLP

    Multi class audio classification using Deep Learning (MLP, CNN): The objective of this project is to build a multi class classifier to identify sound of a bee, cricket or noise.

  • ikergarcia1996/Handwritten-Names-Recognition

    The goal of this project is to solve the task of name transcription from handwriting images implementing a NN approach.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook586330
  • jonghough/jlearn

    Machine Learning Library, written in J

  • edux


    EDUX is a developer friendly Java library for machine learning educational tasks

  • arshpreet/Hedge-Fund-stock-market-analysis

    Developed a deep learning model that allows trading firms to analyze large patterns of stock market data and look for possible permutations to increase returns and reduce risk. Trained the model using a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network on a vast set of features that influence the stock market indices. Performed technical analysis using historical stock prices and fundamental analysis using social media dat

  • ValerianRey/fed_iot_guard

    Detection of IoT devices infected by malwares from their network communications, using federated machine learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3042718
  • khoink94/tensorflow-Deep-learning

    Tensorflow Examples

  • vighneshvnkt/keras-deep-learning

    Various implementations and projects on CNN, RNN, LSTM, GAN, etc

    Language:Jupyter Notebook28126
  • GioStamoulos/BTC_RL_Trading_Bot

    A trading bitcoin agent was created with deep reinforcement learning implementations.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook27206
  • kashimAstro/NNet

    algorithm for study: multi-layer-perceptron, cluster-graph, cnn, rnn, restricted boltzmann machine, bayesian network

  • mikeroyal/Algorithms-and-Data-Structures

    Algorithms & Data Structures Guide

  • dongyx/lnn

    A Command-Line Program of Feedforward Neural Networks

  • ikergarcia1996/NeuroEvolution-Flappy-Bird

    A comparison between humans, neuroevolution and multilayer perceptrons playing Flapy Bird implemented in Python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20309
  • aromanro/MachineLearning

    From linear regression towards neural networks...

  • Xachap/Neuro-FLOPER

    A program that allows you to translate neural networks created with Keras to fuzzy logic programs, in order to tune these networks from a given dataset.

  • mfalfafa/shopee-price-match-guarantee

    Silver Medal Solution for Shopee - Price Match Guarantee competition on Kaggle

    Language:Jupyter Notebook16117
  • BotanAtomic/FaceID

    face recognition with deep learning

  • archana1998/image-encryption

    Image Encryption and Decryption using Neural Networks

  • StarlangSoftware/Classification-Py

    Machine learning library for classification tasks

  • DerHefi/F1_Quali_Prediction

    Finding explainable models to predict Formula 1 Qualifying Results

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10103
  • nunn


    Collection of Machine Learning Algorithms

  • akanshu11121/Diabetes-Detection-using-Neural-Network

    Diabetes Mellitus (DM), commonly known as diabetes, is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period. Artificial Intelligence in Medical Science refers to real-world medical domains, considered and discussed at the proper depth, from both the technical and the medical points of view. Data Science and Machine Learning is helping medical professionals make diagnosis easier by bridging the gap between huge data sets and human knowledge. We can begin to apply Machine L earning techniques for classification in a dataset that describes a population that is under a high risk of the onset of diabetes. Given the medical data we can gather about people, we should be able to make better predictions on how likely a person is to suffer the onset of diabetes, and therefore act appropriately to help. We can start analyzing data and experimenting with algorithms that will help us study the onset of diabetes.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9105
  • comprna/reorientexpress

    Transcriptome long-read orientation with Deep Learning

  • visheshc14/Electric-Funeral

    A Combination of Software Defined Network (SDN) And A Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) Neural Network That Results In The Mitigation of DDoS Attacks.


    Data mining based approach to study the effect of caffeinated coffee on SSVEP brain signals.

  • Juneeee98/Realtime-Fall-Dectection-and-Human-Activity-Recognition-Using-MLP

    Realtime Fall Detection and Human Activity Recognition using Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network from gyroscope and accelerometer sensor sent from a ESP-32 Microcontroller

  • MaviccPRP/mlp

    Tutorial: A Feed Forward Neural Network with Backpropagation in just a few Lines of Python Code

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7104
  • p-rit/pytorch-Scholarship-challenge

    contains exercise solution

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7204
  • ANN4j


    Artificial Neural Networks for Java This package provides Object oriented Neural Networks for making Explainable Networks. Object Oriented Network structure is helpful for observing each and every element the model. This package is developed for XAI research and development.
