
There are 4 repositories under munchausen-reinforcement-learning topic.

  • BY571/Soft-Actor-Critic-and-Extensions

    PyTorch implementation of Soft-Actor-Critic and Prioritized Experience Replay (PER) + Emphasizing Recent Experience (ERE) + Munchausen RL + D2RL and parallel Environments.

  • BY571/Munchausen-RL

    PyTorch implementation of the Munchausen Reinforcement Learning Algorithms M-DQN and M-IQN

    Language:Jupyter Notebook45432
  • BY571/D4PG

    PyTorch implementation of D4PG with the SOTA IQN Critic instead of C51. Implementation includes also the extensions Munchausen RL and D2RL which can be added to D4PG to improve its performance.

  • BY571/TD3-and-Extensions

    PyTorch implementation of Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) - including additional Extension to improve the algorithm's performance.
