
There are 18 repositories under mushclient topic.

  • nickgammon/mushclient

    Open Source Windows MUD game client

  • fiendish/aardwolfclientpackage

    Get the Aardwolf MUSHclient Package installer at

  • binaryatrocity/DiscworldMUD-MUSH-Plugins

    Various MUSHClient plugins for DiscworldMUD

  • grapenut/mush-portal

    An integrated web platform for PennMUSH servers v1.8.7p0 or higher. Features a web client with fully customizable 256-color terminal emulator designed with a responsive mobile-friendly UI.

  • rjmatthews62/MooCoderPy

    Python/Tkinter version of Moocoder

  • Groshie/DynesKillTracker

    It's a plugin for MUSHclient, for use with the Discworld MUD. It tracks your kills when installed, and can sort them for you on demand!


    🇹🇼 Locale files in Simplified/Traditional Chinese for the awesome FreeWare MUD client —— MUSHclient

  • rgrams/discworld_mud_plugins

    Various MUSHclient plugins for the Discworld MUD.

  • jace44/hello-world

    Would love to learn how to start our own webpage. Learn how to play MUDs, understand computer lingo better to be able to possibly show/explain to my very sharp autistic son which is starting to show interest in getting into programming. To possibly learn how to do digital art, even though I am not that great of an artist. To one day work on projects with my son and friends to bring our visions and passions alive. My son already wants to make a game and plays ROBLOX's a lot...did I mention I am overwhelmed in even where to start for a noob like myself. Would like to start a non-profit(s). We are not made of money so am looking for the most basic, easiest way to start grasping computer talk ((for a dummy)) and to be able to speak it myslef. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer in my old age. but I have heart, passion, and a willingness to learn. I was leaning more starting with a MUD to get started, yes or no? That way it is a game and you are learning at the same time. I think would keep me interested longer, but what do I know, heh. Any help, direction, info, and advice would be appreciated. Sorry for taking up wall space if any of this annoys anyone.

  • johnmathys/dwrarelootplugin

    Discworld MUD MushClient LUA plugin for Mr Werks rare item delivery missions.

  • udequina/aardwolf-plugins

    Plugins for the Aardwolf MUD using the official MUSHclient

  • AardLoqui/Aardwolf-Loqui-Plugins

    AardLoqui Loqui Plugins for the Aardwolf MUD using the official MUSHclient

  • MUME/mushclient-mume

    A collection of MushClient scripts for playing Mume

  • nohbdy/aardwolf-plugins

    Collection of MUSHClient Plugins for use on the Aardwolf MUD

  • ns-studios/Aardenne

    Enne's Aardwolf Plugin Garden

  • Xinefus-Braska/DBUMMOMUSH

    Get the DBUMMO MUSHclient Package installer at

  • shmup/badteeths_plugins

    Discworld MUD shit

  • the-byte-bender/mineral_codex

    A mushz/mushclient plugin for automatic extra information for minerals such as stats, purity and yields while prospecting in alteraeon