There are 18 repositories under mushclient topic.
Open Source Windows MUD game client
Get the Aardwolf MUSHclient Package installer at
Various MUSHClient plugins for DiscworldMUD
An integrated web platform for PennMUSH servers v1.8.7p0 or higher. Features a web client with fully customizable 256-color terminal emulator designed with a responsive mobile-friendly UI.
Python/Tkinter version of Moocoder
It's a plugin for MUSHclient, for use with the Discworld MUD. It tracks your kills when installed, and can sort them for you on demand!
🇹🇼 Locale files in Simplified/Traditional Chinese for the awesome FreeWare MUD client —— MUSHclient
Various MUSHclient plugins for the Discworld MUD.
Would love to learn how to start our own webpage. Learn how to play MUDs, understand computer lingo better to be able to possibly show/explain to my very sharp autistic son which is starting to show interest in getting into programming. To possibly learn how to do digital art, even though I am not that great of an artist. To one day work on projects with my son and friends to bring our visions and passions alive. My son already wants to make a game and plays ROBLOX's a lot...did I mention I am overwhelmed in even where to start for a noob like myself. Would like to start a non-profit(s). We are not made of money so am looking for the most basic, easiest way to start grasping computer talk ((for a dummy)) and to be able to speak it myslef. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer in my old age. but I have heart, passion, and a willingness to learn. I was leaning more starting with a MUD to get started, yes or no? That way it is a game and you are learning at the same time. I think would keep me interested longer, but what do I know, heh. Any help, direction, info, and advice would be appreciated. Sorry for taking up wall space if any of this annoys anyone.
Discworld MUD MushClient LUA plugin for Mr Werks rare item delivery missions.
Plugins for the Aardwolf MUD using the official MUSHclient
AardLoqui Loqui Plugins for the Aardwolf MUD using the official MUSHclient
A collection of MushClient scripts for playing Mume
Collection of MUSHClient Plugins for use on the Aardwolf MUD
Enne's Aardwolf Plugin Garden
Get the DBUMMO MUSHclient Package installer at
Discworld MUD shit
A mushz/mushclient plugin for automatic extra information for minerals such as stats, purity and yields while prospecting in alteraeon