There are 6 repositories under n-mixture-model topic.
Fit models to data from unmarked animals using Stan. Uses a similar interface to the R package 'unmarked', while providing the advantages of Bayesian inference and allowing estimation of random effects.
Zipkin, E.F., Sillett, T.S., Grant, E.H.C., Chandler, R.B., and Royle, J.A. (2014) Inferences from count data using multi-state population models: a comparison to capture-recapture approaches. Ecology and Evolution. 4: 417-426.
Rossman R., Yackulic C., Saunders S.P., Reid J., Davis R., and Zipkin E.F. 2016. Dynamic N-occupancy models: estimating demographic rates and local abundances from detection-nondetection data. Ecology. 97: 3300-3307.
Abundance models for avian point counts that use distance and time-removal sampling to estimate detection probabilities.
Zipkin E.F., Thorson J.T., See K., Lynch H.J., Grant E.H.C., Kanno Y., Chandler R.B., Letcher B.H., and Royle J.A. 2014. Modeling structured population dynamics using data from unmarked individuals. Ecology. 95: 22-29.
Zipkin E.F., Rossman S., Yackulic C., Wiens J.D., Thorson J.T., Davis R.J., and Grant E.H.C. 2017. Integrating count and detection-nondetection data to model population dynamics. Ecology. 98: 1640-1650.