
There are 4 repositories under naming-game topic.

  • nicoleorzan/emergent-communication

    Studying emergent communication among agents in cooperative and competitive environments using Reinforcement Learning, game theory and replicator dynamics

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7200
  • is0383kk/SymbolEmergence-VAE-GMM

    Symbol emergence using Variational Auto-Encoder and Gaussian Mixture Model (Inter-GMM-VAE)~VAEを活用した実画像からの記号創発~

  • bacor/thesis

    Experiments and figures for MSc thesis, 'Bayesian Language Games'

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2300
  • is0383kk/Inter-GMM

    Naming game among GMM agents using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Inter-GMM
