
There are 12 repositories under nanomaterials topic.

  • SCM-NV/nano-qmflows

    Package containing several workflows to compute molecular properties for nanomaterials

  • lavakyan/ase-bimetall

    Collection of ASE (Atomic Simulation Environment) Scripts for Bimetallic Nanoparticles

  • UlrikFriisJensen/CHILI

    Chemically-Informed Large-scale Inorganic Nanomaterials Dataset for Advancing Graph Machine Learning

  • kyegomez/NanobotForge

    NanoForge is a powerful Rust package specifically crafted for designing and manufacturing ultra-high-performance nanomachines. It is positioned to be the PyTorch equivalent in the nanotechnology domain, merging simplicity with high performance.

  • AATsukanov/CIN2D

    LAMMPS-DATA models for the project A.A. Tsukanov, B. Turk, O. Vasiljeva and S.G. Psakhie. Computational Indicator Approach for Assessment of Nanotoxicity of Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 650.

  • peterlionelnewman/openscribe

    The OpenScribe software for fabrication of materials with complex nanovoxelated structures

  • bliboalbert/DataScience

    My name is Blibo Albert. I am a chemical engineering graduate from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science in Technology. In this repository, you will find my data science related projects. As an aspiring domain-expert data scientist in the field of chemical engineering, I am open to learn from industry experts. Contact me let's work on that project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1000
  • nlesc-nano/flamingo

    Computation and filtering of molecular properties

  • fhaive/metanalysis_toxicogenomic_data

    A gene regulation model reveals an ancestral adaptation response to particulate exposure triggered by nanomaterials

  • mingoosam/single_pillar_sim

    Characterization of a single meta-atom pillar under local phase approximation demonstrating high transmission and linear phase shift.

  • varshatumburu/Nano-Project

    Python web application developed for nanomaterials course project
