
There are 5 repositories under navigation-fragment topic.

  • wzqjava/MVVMSmart

    基于谷歌最新AAC架构,MVVM设计模式的一套快速开发库,整合ViewModel+Lifecycles+Navigation+DataBinding+LiveData+Okhttp+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide等主流模块,满足日常开发需求。使用该框架可以快速开发高质量、易维护的Android应用。 项目组会持续维护,请放心使用.欢迎Start并Fork交流.

  • Petterpx/CloudMVP

    A robust interface oriented MVP library, easy to rely on and easier to use and decouple.

  • noor1yasser9/ImageApp

    Features Project Android: 100% Kotlin, MVVM architecture, Single activity, dataBinding, download image & video, caching data

  • noor1yasser9/VideoCalling

    Simple application. First the user creates a new account in the application using Firebase Auth (Sign Up), Second, user will log in to the application and We will store logged user information into shared preferences to handle auto-sign in so users don't need to enter email and password every time, and Final we display list of registered users in the application except for the currently logged user because he cannot establish a call with himself.

  • mohamed-mostafa-hella/FilmRateApp

    that is an android application with java using RXjava and retrofit.
