
There are 4 repositories under navigationcomponents topic.

  • ezatpanah/PassData-NavigationComponent-Youtube

    how can PassData in NavigationComponent in Kotlin

  • OmarLkhalil/Instant-Weather

    An Android weather application implemented using the MVVM pattern, Retrofit2, Dagger Hilt, LiveData, ViewModel, Coroutines, Room, Navigation Components, Data Binding and some other libraries from the Android Jetpack.

  • robert-muriithi/RickandMortyApp

    This repo was made with the purpose of showing details on how to use paging 3 with retrofit and LiveData/Flow. It also used MVVM architecture with Dagger Hilt for dependency injection

  • devgalassini/JokenpoApp

    Layouts iniciais, Navegação com Intents, App Bar, Navigation Drawer, Bottom Navigation: Essenciais para uma interface intuitiva e navegação eficiente. Refatoração, Ícones, App de Atividade Única, Fragments, Navigation Components: Melhoram a manutenção do código, a experiência do usuário e a navegação fluida.
