
There are 5 repositories under ndfc topic.

  • cisco-open/ndfc-roles

    Roles and example playbooks for creating fabrics with NDFC/DCNM

  • netascode/ansible-dc-vxlan

    Ansible Collection for configuring a VXLAN Fabric using Direct to Controller (DTC) or Direct To Device (DTD) workflows.

  • CiscoDevNet/data-center-development

    This project explores automation solutions for each of Cisco's main Data Center products, including ACI, Intersight, NX-OS, and NDFC. Various tools and technologies are used, such as Ansible, Terraform, Python, Postman, and more. After exploring this repo, you'll better understand how to automate the creation and management of the data center.

  • allenrobel/ndfc-evpn

    Using ContainerLab, NDFC, and Ansible, build a multi-site EVPN lab environment consisting of 2 VXLAN fabrics interconnected using a centralized route server.

  • allenrobel/ndfc-python

    Set of Python classes and example scripts which interact with NDFC's REST API to create fabrics, networks, vrfs, etc.
