
There are 6 repositories under nemo-ocean topic.

  • NEMO-ocean/NEMO-examples

    Simple configurations to study specific oceanic physical processes and be used as a tool for training

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2113218
  • rcaneill/xnemogcm

    Interface to open NEMO global circulation model output dataset with xarray and create a xgcm grid.

  • julianmak/pyCDFTOOLS

    NEMO analysis tools, as a wrapper driven by xgcm (via xnemogcm).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4200
  • gkara00/BoB_tides

    Scripts for analysis and plotting for the paper: "The impact of tides on the Bay of Biscay dynamics".

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • SalishSeaCast/analysis-shared

    collection of analyses of the results of the Salish Sea MEOPAR NEMO model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • SalishSeaCast/SS-run-sets

    A collection of namelists and run description files for various sets of NEMO runs for the SalishSeaCast MEOPAR project.
