
There are 4 repositories under netspresso topic.

  • Nota-NetsPresso/netspresso-trainer

    A library for training, compressing and deploying computer vision models (including ViT) with edge devices

  • Nota-NetsPresso/PyNetsPresso

    The official NetsPresso Python package.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4031741
  • STMicroelectronics/stm32ai-nota

    This repository contains Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to use Netspresso to prune pre-trained deep learning models from STM32AI Model Zoo and fine-tune them for your specific use case. Learn how to reduce the size of your models without sacrificing accuracy and customize them for your own applications.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8400
  • Nota-NetsPresso/SNP

    Structured Neuron Level Pruning to compress Transformer-based models [ECCV'24]
