
There are 23 repositories under neural-tangent-kernel topic.

  • MinghuiChen43/awesome-deep-phenomena

    A curated list of papers of interesting empirical study and insight on deep learning. Continually updating...

  • tfjgeorge/nngeometry

    {KFAC,EKFAC,Diagonal,Implicit} Fisher Matrices and finite width NTKs in PyTorch

  • MadryLab/trak

    A fast, effective data attribution method for neural networks in PyTorch

  • google-deepmind/dks

    Multi-framework implementation of Deep Kernel Shaping and Tailored Activation Transformations, which are methods that modify neural network models (and their initializations) to make them easier to train.

  • james-simon/eigenlearning

    codebase for "A Theory of the Inductive Bias and Generalization of Kernel Regression and Wide Neural Networks"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook49628
  • Model-Compression/Lossless_Compression

    We propose a lossless compression algorithm based on the NTK matrix for DNN. The compressed network yields asymptotically the same NTK as the original (dense and unquantized) network, with its weights and activations taking values only in {0, 1, -1} up to scaling.

  • 392781/scikit-ntk

    Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) module for the scikit-learn library

  • RonyAbecidan/Neural-Thompson-Sampling

    Study of the paper 'Neural Thompson Sampling' published in October 2020

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20125
  • DLR-RM/moegplib

    Official Code: Trust Your Robots! Predictive Uncertainty Estimation of Neural Networks with Sparse Gaussian Processes

  • Rubiksman78/Pole_projet_PINN

    TF2 Implementation of Physics Informed Neural Networks and Neural Tangent Kernel

  • forgi86/RNN-adaptation

    Code accompanying the paper "On the adaptation of recurrent neural networks for system identification"

  • TimoFlesch/NeuralTangentKernel

    A Python implementation of the Neural Tangent Kernel (jacot et al, 2018)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8101
  • kwignb/RandomNeuralField

    Implementation of "Deep Learning in Random Neural Fields: Numerical Experiments via Neural Tangent Kernel"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5201
  • tanzh-lamda/RKME-NTK-Learnware-Specification

    Code for "Learnware Reduced Kernel Mean Embedding Specification Based on Neural Tangent Kernel"

  • 392781/neural-laplace

    Empirical analysis of the Laplace and neural tangent kernel reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4400
  • yaodongyu/TCT

    TCT: Convexifying Federated Learning using Bootstrapped Neural Tangent Kernels

  • genglinliu/NTK-study

    Understand the spectral bias of deep learning through the study of NTK

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3101
  • iurada/px-ntk-pruning

    Official repository of our work "Finding Lottery Tickets in Vision Models via Data-driven Spectral Foresight Pruning" accepted at CVPR 2024

  • smithhenryd/NN-Kernel-and-Rich-Regimes

    Senior Project for Statistics & Data Science at Yale University

  • smithhenryd/Lazy-Training

    Yale S&DS 432 final project studying lazy training dynamics for differentiable optimization problems

  • YconquestY/6.s088

    Coursework of MIT 6.S088

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • ZouWenXuan/Spike-and-Slab-RNN

    Code for paper

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • bandofstraycats/naq

    Implementation of Approximate Smooth Kernel Value Iteration
