
There are 66 repositories under newspapers topic.

  • nailperry-zd/The-Economist

    The Economist 经济学人,持续更新

  • newsprint


    Newsprint is a simple PHP web app that fetches frontpages from newspapers and publishes them for display in an eInk Display.

  • maehr/awesome-digital-history

    Find primary sources online and learn how to research history digitally.

  • biolab/orange3-text

    🍊 :page_facing_up: Text Mining add-on for Orange3

  • imamuddinwp/Premium-Blogger-Templates

    Premium Blogger Templates, Free premium blogger themes, Premium blogger templates free, Premium Blogger templates free download, SEO friendly Blogger Templates, How to download premium Blogger template for free? imamuddinwp

  • Living-with-machines/alto2txt

    Convert ALTO XML to plain text + minimal metadata

  • KBNLresearch/dac

    Entity linker for the newspaper collection of the National Library of the Netherlands. Links named entity mentions to DBpedia descriptions using either a binary SVM classifier or a neural net.

  • KBNLresearch/dac-web

    Web interface to manually annotate named entity mentions in newspaper articles with the correct DBpedia link(s), if any. Produces labeled data sets for training and evaluating the DAC Entity Linker.

  • pyHDB


    pyHDB - Ferramenta de auxílio metodológico para pesquisas na interface da Hemeroteca Digital Brasileira da Biblioteca Nacional. Desenvolvida por Eric Brasil (IHLM-UNILAB) como parte de pesquisa acadêmica da área de História Digital.

  • Living-with-machines/lwm_GIR19_resolving_places

    Repository for code underlying the paper 'Resolving Places, Past and Present: Toponym Resolution in Historical British Newspapers Using Multiple Resources'.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7623
  • lucafrei/liberanews

  • evanodell/guardianapi

    Access 'The Guardian' Newspaper Open Data API

  • ieg-dhr/Notebooks4Historical_Newspapers

    Notebooks that use LLMs to work with historical documents and artefacts

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5300
  • RJP43/CitySlaveGirls

    The Restoration of Nell Nelson

  • torstenroeder/verdi-requiem-data

    TEI transcripts and derivates of German historical newspaper articles on the Messa da Requiem by Giuseppe Verdi

  • nit-in/newspaper

    python program with scrapy spider to search newspaper site and download webpage as pdf, might be helpful for UPSC RBI SEBI BANKING aspirants

  • Living-with-machines/hmd_newspaper_dl

    Bulk download British Library Heritage Made Digital Newspapers 📰

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3332
  • news-r/papers

    📰 Access online newspaper information

  • nznewspapers/nznewspapers

    The Newspapers of New Zealand website is an index to all the newspapers ever published in New Zealand.

  • unb-libraries/

    The New Brunswick Historical Newspapers Project provides researchers with unified access to UNB Libraries' current and historical newspaper collections in all formats, from New Brunswick and across the world.

  • wragge/troveharvester

    Tool for harvesting large collections of digitised newspaper articles from Trove.

  • chew-z/Relink

    Jump over paywalls using Facebook re-linking

  • nsky80/editorial

    This is a Django based project which contains the editorials of popular newspapers. People who wants to read famous editorials find it one place.

  • perezzini/dailyHASK

    A daily news-articles e-mail delivery library, written in Haskell

  • pynickle/ark-weekly

    the website for ark weekly

  • samvera-labs/newspaper_works

    Newspaper work types for Hyrax

  • Siltaar/

    Decentralized search engine & Automatized press reviews

  • triposat/Daily_News_Notification

    Make a Python-based web application that takes the country's name and the news category. Python NewsAPI is one such package that aids in the gathering of news.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • ayushsubedi/datainnews_V2

    Data in News project, redone using Github Actions.

  • emanoelvianna/pesquisa-academica

    :mag_right: :mortar_board: Conjunto de links de acesso a sites de pesquisa acadêmica, sendo revistas, artigos ou livros

  • JesusVergara89/unibarranquillanews

    Welcome to the Unibarranquilla Newspaper repository! This project is a student-driven university newspaper that aims to explore and share stories covering a wide range of social, cultural, and technological topics.

  • marinagiardinetti/layout-parser-newspapers

    Layout Parser notebook Implementation & Re-trained model for Image detection and extraction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Nicolac84/echelonews

    Worldwide news multiplexer and translator

  • ServeMotor/MediaManager

    Links to News sites on different topics for research

  • sierrachas/thelivingroom

    My Grandfather’s collection of over 450+ Black Magazines including NegroWorld, Freedomways, Ebony Magazine, Jet Magazine, and Essence Magazine.

  • VadivelChinnasamy/NewsAPI

    News API is a simple and easy-to-use API that returns JSON metadata for the headlines currently published on a range of news sources.
