
There are 12 repositories under nextjs-15 topic.

  • AnwarHossainSR/nextjs-15-template

    This is next js 15 boilerplate. You can start your next 15 project without any hassle of setup.

  • AlexStack/nextjs-materia-mui-typescript-hook-form-scaffold-boilerplate-starter

    The scaffold & example for NextJs 15.x with ReactJs 19.x, React Hook Form, Material UI(MUI 6.x),Typescript and ESLint with simple next.js 15 example of NextJs API, React-hook-form with zod, fetch remote api, 404/500 error pages, MUI SSR usage.

  • uigywnkiub/explend-app

    Stop wondering where your money goes. Track Income & Expense with AI.

  • HuzaifaBanegar/Dev_Flow

    A community-driven platform for asking and answering programming questions. Get help, share knowledge, and collaborate with developers from around the world. Explore topics in web development, mobile app development, algorithms, data structures, and more. It is a solo(ongoing) project

  • subho004/mailAI

    A modern, AI-powered email generation platform built with Next.js 14, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. Features include real-time email previews, rich text editing, multiple recipient support, and server-side email handling with Nodemailer.

  • BakirGracic/nextjs-clean-template

    Clean (OPINIONATED) template for new NextJS projects

  • Evyweb/-wip-nextjs-15-clean-architecture-template

    (WIP) React 19 + NextJS 15 + Clean architecture template + ioc container (back + front) + radix-ui + vitest

  • serkanaplan/FullStack-ShopApp-ReactNative-and-Nextjs

    This application is designed to provide a different shopping experience on web and mobile platforms. It was built using Next.js for the web application, Expo React Native for the mobile application and Supabase as a backend service. Thanks for @laribright

  • vlad1slove1/cadex-test

    Test case for frontend developer position

  • diegoperea20/nextjs-clerk-tailwind-ts

    This repository offers a template for developing web applications with Next.js, Clerk for authentication, TypeScript for static typing, and Tailwind CSS for a modern, responsive design. Ideal for fast, scalable projects with an optimized configuration.

  • GioMjds/nextjs-dashboard

    Next.js tutorial template in their official website

  • renansilva15/library-management-assessment

    A library management system built with Next.js 15, React (TypeScript), TailwindCSS, and React Query + Server Actions. It features role-based authentication, book management, and light/dark mode support with next-themes. Data is handled via a mock API using JSON Server.
