
There are 16 repositories under nhs-england topic.

  • NHSDigital/software-engineering-quality-framework

    🏎️ Shared best-practice guidance & tools to support software engineering teams

  • nhs-england-tools/terraform-aws-opennext

    🧱 💻 ☁️ A Terraform module for deploying a Next.js application built with OpenNext to AWS

  • NHSDigital/rap-package-template

    A python package template by NHS England that can be adapted for RAP projects.

  • nhs-england-tools/repository-template

    🛠️ 📚💡 This is a detailed and carefully made template for your GitHub projects. It's based on the wide knowledge and practical experience of the engineering community within NHS England. The template includes helpful suggestions, standards and practices - it's something you should consider using for all your repositories.

  • nhs-england-tools/dotfiles

    🚀 Cross-platform dotfiles. A stepping stone to a Cloud-based development environment and a great Developer Experience

  • nhsengland/it-standards

    IT Standards for NHS England. Documented in markdown and managed as code.

  • NHSDigital/cvd-prevent-tool

    This repo includes the pipeline used to link and curate CVD PREVENT audit data to HES and death registration data into two tables. These are subsequently sent to OHID for analysis and publication.

  • nhs-england-tools/notify-msteams-action

    📌🔔👥 GitHub Action to notify an MS Teams channel

  • nhs-england-tools/update-from-template-app

    :octocat: 🔄 📁 Automation to synchronise updates from a template repository to all associated repositories. Enhances maintainability, consistency and governance across the NHS England's GitHub projects.

  • nhs-england-tools/terraform-github-aws-s3-upload

    ☁️🔧 🔼 Seamlessly integrate, automate and streamline your CI/CD pipeline! This is a purpose-built, fully-configurable Terraform module designed to upload files from your GitHub Actions directly to AWS S3.

  • NHSDigital/mps_diagnostics

    Interpretable metadata for the results of NHS England record linkage

  • NHSDigital/repository-template

    🛠️ 📚💡 This is a detailed and carefully made template for your GitHub projects. It's based on the wide knowledge and practical experience of the engineering community within NHS England. The template includes helpful suggestions, standards and practices - it's something you should consider using for all your repositories.

  • stefaniuk/dotfiles

    🚀 Cross-platform dotfiles. A stepping stone to a Cloud-based development environment and a great Developer Experience

  • nhs-england-tools/github-runner-image

    🏃‍♂️📦 🐳 This repository offers a set of Docker base images for GitHub runners, optimised for performance, security and compatibility. It ensures smooth CI/CD workflows with GitHub Actions and includes pre-installed tools to speed up build and test processes.

  • NIHR-BI/2022_23_Flu_data_upload

    Saving external data from NHS England and NHS Wales
