
There are 6 repositories under nlp-project topic.

  • shsarv/Machine-Learning-Projects

    This repository showcases a selection of machine learning projects undertaken to understand and master various ML concepts. Each project reflects commitment to applying theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, demonstrating proficiency in machine learning techniques and tools.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook73161296
  • Tuhin-SnapD/News-Extractor-Summarizer

    The Python-based web app extracts and summarizes news using NewsAPI, newspaper3k, spacy, Pegasus and T5 from Hugging Face. It categorizes news articles and uses a graph-based summary feature to summarize multiple documents. The app works with news in any language supported by NewsAPI.

  • drisskhattabi6/FSTT_chatbot

    This repository contains a chatbot application designed to assist students and visitors of the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques in Tanger (FSTT) website. The chatbot use two approach of NLP: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and Fine-Tuning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • ericlee05/FNLPE

    표현식 기반 자연어 처리 라이브러리

  • arnav-deep/EnglishTopicModel

    An all usage Topic Modelling system for any English database

  • yogyatanegi/EmotionEvaluator---sentiment-analysis-project

    To analyze the sentiment of Amazon food reviews using various techniques and compare the performance of different models.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100